Money Saving Tricks & Hints

Do you folks engage in money saving tricks and methods? I don’t need to, right now, but the time will certainly come when I must. So, who does what in order to save oodles of dosh!

I’ve always been a bit on the tight side!

My granny taught me how to manage on a shoestring and that was damn lucky, because when I got divorced, leaving me with two small boys and no maintenance from their dad ever, a shoestring was all I had

So the her old habits have stuck.

One I still do is to always make a shopping list. And then look at each item and try to work out a way of managing without it

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I’m finding now that my biggest expenses come from things I can’t cut back on - rent and energy. Everything else is down to the bone. But I use " do I really need it* thinking, and on a scale of 1 - 10, how much do I need it.

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