Money Owed: Legal Action

Thanks Azz, I may go down that route.

Yeah. I need to work on my next move. They have agreed (via email) to refund me, but they haven’t done so.

I’m thinking of phoning, asking for the accounts department, asking if they are refusing to refund my money, “that’s the first thing my legal advisors need to know. If the money is not in my account within 5 working days, action will begin”.

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Just a thought have you given them your sort code and account number to get it back ?

Ah well I just assumed they had that. But I will ask.

Not sure, if by paying with debit card, they have no need to know, its like cash really straight out of the account .

Being that you purchased from Oak Furniture Hut, I’m not really surprised. They are simply a ‘factor’ operating by retailing items from a bulk wholesaler. He/she is working from a private house without a warehouse and makes money by placing your order with the wholesaler and then they dispatch your order direct from the warehouse. OFH operate from 3 Bretlands Road, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 9QN so I would write to them there informing them to refund in full or you will apply to put a lien on the house for the money you are owed. The present value of the house is estimated to be well in excess of £1/2 million so I would definitely go for the juggler.
There are many such retail sellers without any storage premises and it’s about time there was a regulator.
Below is a link to a typical wholesaler :point_down:
Wholesale Furniture | Trade Furniture Suppliers UK | Hill Interiors (

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Company details :point_down:
OAK FURNITURE HUT (UK) LTD people - Find and update company information - GOV.UK (

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Good bit of investigative work, threatening to put a caveat on the house is a good idea. Though I think your estimate of its value is a bit over the top it is just a semi with a very small garden.

You can tell what an exciting morning I am having.

My mistake I read your post as 1 to 2 million not 0.5 million sorry

Yes, it is a small(ish) semi, but it’s the location that enhances the price where even extended ex council houses command high prices. Chertsey is a sought-after area and bidding wars often ensue if the location is deemed to be a good one.
Investigation work? Well yes, it’s part of what I do in my pursuit of scum bags who rip off pensioners.

Been avoiding this thread for the last few days, trying not to dwell on thoughts of claiming that house. Thanks for the detective work LD.

I sent them an email on Wednesday AM, keeping it brief, saying:

“If I don’t hear from you by the end of the week, I will assume you have no intention of refunding my money, and will be forced to take legal action”

I received a reply five minutes later saying:

“This is already cleared on our end and will reflect back this week in your account”

And this morning it is there!



Sometimes one has to make the other party aware that you intend to take legal action either via small claims court or whatever depending on amount in dispute. This usually produces a favourable response

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Great news d00d! :clap:

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A bit harsh but it worked apparently . Could have been just a blip in their system.

I am/was thoroughly fed up with these people and their excuses. They are not to be trusted How far they can be trusted, I will never know. Perhaps a threat of legal action is a daily occurrence for them (?)

There is more to this 
 their sister company, MSL Furniture Ltd at an accommodation address in Covent Garden, their warehouse in Northampton they told me about, but I don’t think exists. Perhaps some customers do receive the goods, perhaps some wait 6 months before cancelling (their £800 invested), perhaps a small number write off the money as a bad experience; we’ll never know. I’m not going to pursue it.