Mole mapping

Just curious if any one out there has done the mole mapping thing and if so, did they think it is worth the time, money and effort?
Have a mole on my belly which may or may not (I haven’t paid adequate attention) be changing…and I am right in thinking this is cause for concern maybe, so…mole mapping anyone?

Oh sorry Lucy, had to laugh, I thought you were talking about a Mole as a creature, not on your body. lol


Me too! I was about to recommend a Mole catcher! :joy:


lol, either way I’d like to keep track haha

Probably the cheaper option lol

If it’s changing in colour or bleeding, I would definitely get it checked out,…I have one in my arm pit, no change, even if it starts itching, I will get it checked out.

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No bleeding or irritation but I think it may have change colour a bit this summer

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Mine is quite raised…

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Mine too and is not far above my waistline so can be annoying sometimes

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I am covered in moles, all over my body. Some are the raised round type on a stalk & some are flat, there are a few that are raised & have a darker skin on top of them. I’ve had them for years & never ever thought they could be nasty ones. :open_mouth:

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There is quite the paranoia about them here now…I guess our sun is pretty harsh so people are becoming more aware.

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I have moles in places that have never seen the sun. :grinning: My Dad was covered in them as well, so I guess they can be inherited.

Me, too. :lol:

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Do I have to provide evidence there are not blind rodent like creatures either burrowing in my yard or indeed burrowing into me? :hamster: :badger: :grin:

So was I at first. As to the animal mole, we were plagued by them when we came here, probably only one, but late OH used to stand poised by the area of the lawn with a pointed stick & every time a mound started he’d plunge it into it, never ever caught the creature but it was very funny watching him do it, kids & I were in hysterics.
The problem stopped when the houses were built on the fields behind our house.
I know what I preferred. :expressionless:

:rofl: That’s just reminded me of the Jasper Carrott sketch

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Percy, that was hylarious. I loved Jasper but have never seen that before. Thank you for finding it.

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Si funny :slight_smile:

I have a long history of sun damaged skin.
If you’ve ever ever been sunburnt on that area get it checked out by a dermatologist.

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Fell asleep in the sun just prior to xmas! Don’t know what was worse, the sunburn or the tan lines :sun_with_face: :woozy_face: