I do not own a smartphone, but my little very useful Nokia dual sim does have a memory card for the music player, so I can load and deploy any music for my ringtone. I choose to have Sweet Child O’Mine by Guns N’ Roses which plays at maximum volume . What tune have you chosen for your phone?
I have the theme from Minder for texts, and La Bamba for calls.
I have put the theme from The Golden Girls “thank you for being a friend” on Mum’s phone for texts.
I just have a regular phone ringing sound on my phone, and a “ping” for texts. Nothing exciting.
It does make it easy to hear when outside though…I might ignore anything musical thinking it was someone else’s phone or music coming from a car.
Opening tune to Spooks.
Mine is simply a classic bell ring. My texts are Ding Dong.
Oh … are they supposed to ring? Must switch mine on occasionally and see.
LOL … that’s just like me. My children and grandchildren are always complaining that my mobile is off and without voicemail enabled, they have to call my landline They have yet to accept that I only turn it on when I’m away from the house and mobile
I don’t even do that! The beastie lurks in the depths of my handbag in case of emergency - so far I have not had one!
Depending on your network supplier, if not at least one text sent in a given period, your number and account will be cancelled and the number reissued to another customer.
I get round that by sending a couple of random texts to my landline occasionally - it gives those cats something to think about!
My ringtone is what it was when it came out of the box. I don’t seem to have space in my life to worry about silly noises or wallpaper pics when it comes to anything tech.
My mobile ringtone is the good old fashioned “Bring Bring” I need it to sound like a phone rather than someone nearby with a radio.
I always change my mobile ring tone to the traditional old fashioned telephone ring tone too.
If I have any other tone, I don’t realise my phone is ringing!
I always have the volume turned off, because I can’t stand hearing it ring. I know if someone’s calling me because my smart watch vibrates to tell me
Just a plain Ring Ring, like any land-line phone used to be.
I changed my mobile ring tone to the old fashioned “brrring, brrring” telephone ring tone, so I can hear it and it attracts my attention if it rings (which is not very often) the other tones for texts received etc are still at the factory setting.
Oops! Just realised this is an old thread and I’ve already answered this question!
Like minds…
Israeli national anthem ( Hatikvah). A truly lovely tune and the lyrics are pretty bloody good too.
“As long as deep in the heart,
The soul of a Jew yearns,
And forward to the East
To Zion, an eye looks
Our hope will not be lost,
The hope of two thousand years,
To be a free nation in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem”.
Still the opening tune from Spooks. I transferred the mp3 to the new mobile. Somewhere I also have Jessica, the Top Gear one. Used to have that.