stands aside
stands aside
Microwave has to be the most useful and versatile appliance in the kitchen, ours is used all the time…
I have to disagree with you on that Barry…
I’m the most useful and versatile appliance in the kitchen…
Absolutely 100% agree with both posts.
I use mine several times a day every day. For jacket potatoes, heating leftovers, heating milk, making cakes, porridge and custard, heating beans for toast, cooking frozen veg, the list is endless.
Don’t know how I’d manage without it.
I am not that keen on them because they take up too much room on the worktop but l do have one because they are very useful.
Mine is a Panasonic Combination microwave and is great for doing jacket potatoes in around 11 minutes or more depending on the size.
I eat the skin on the jacket potato because that’s where the vitamins are.
I use it for making porridge, scrambled eggs, warming meals, refreshing loaves of bread to make them like new.
I use it for making custard, white sauce and sometimes, gravy.
I warm plates in there and defrost some frozen food if l am in a hurry.
I fall into the “useful” category, too …
Main meals are (mostly) still cooked using the oven and hob but, for everything else, if it saves time and washing up then the microwave is first choice …
I am referring to a previous post of mine.About a stress relief technique.
My favourite and most used kitchen gadgets include.
Solid chopping board, sharp knife, non stick pans, wooden spoon, gas ring.
Microwaves … Pah! :-D;-)
Mine would be similar but would also include a mandolin cutter, blender, pestle and mortar, mezzaluna and my lethally sharp set of chef’s knifes.
Just be careful with you microwaves they can be lethal if not checked regularly…
Boils, burns and even cancers have been known to occur as a result of exposure…
Oh that’s cheery, Foxy! Mine is from Argos, so…yeah, likely not the best.
There’s nothing quite like a curry reheated the following day.
EEK … mobile phones and digital cameras too. :shock:
Is it true that microwaves can affect your eyes?
I don’t tend to look at it when it’s in motion. I do a sly look out of the corner of my eye and turn away quick!!
There’s a method in my madness!!
They used to be so expensive, the first one I bought in 1985, was £185.
It wasn’t even a top of the range one.
I like the thinking there, like switching the kettle on then moving away.
Because everybody knows that if you watch it …
Microzaps are brill!
For the milk in my latte every morning and for loads of other things too, but then ours is a combi oven microwave that even air-fries stuff supposedly though I will admit I’ve not tried using it for that.
Maybe I should.
All the things on legs and fancy pan bits are a PITA though.
AFAIK, microwave transmissions are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and are, therefore, subject to the Inverse Square Law. This means that the further you stand from the source, its effects diminish by the distance squared.
Leakage from a microwave oven WHEN OPERATING CORRECTLY is so low in the first place that the effects of the radiation are miniscule. In any case, microwaves are non-ionising radiation so, don’t cause the same mutating effects on DNA as other sources, e.g. radioactive isotopes.