Menopause: HRT prescription costs to fall across England

Prescribed HRT will cost less for women in England, but they will still have to pay for the new annual prescription, where those in other parts of the UK will continue to receive their treatments free Menopause: HRT prescription costs to fall after MP’s campaign, says government - BBC News
This is an appalling and discriminatory way to treat women in England who need HRT. Whilst I do appreciate the new legislation will reduce costs, payment will still be required. This is wrong to single out women in one country while treating the others for free :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Yet another Johnson fail!

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I was lucky, V never displayed any menopausal symptoms at all. One month she was using tampons as normal, the next nothing at all, she just stopped, no flushes, nothing.

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Your OH was very lucky. I refused HRT, could have had it on prescription, paid at that time, but as I thought, well its a normal happening I’d do it without HRT. Well, I got everything you could get on the change, the worst were the hot flushes. Night sweats & loss of libido.

We know it and fully appreciated it at the time, Tiffany.

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