you wear a hat?

The Russians call it Chapka.


Thank you! I knew it was something like that, but couldn’t think of the precise word.


I wear a baseball cap if it’s raining, as I hate rain on my glasses.

Yes, I agree about ears sensitive to cold JBR, I’ve been the same since childhood.
I know the hats you mean with the fold-down ear flaps, I have one meself somewhere.

that works…good thinking

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Deerstalker? :thinking:

Yes, the peak on my flat cap serves the same purpose, especially if I pull it down at the front.

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A friend of mine wears a “Dutch Cap” on his head.

Seems rather strange!



My thoughts too. I used to work as a sexual health outreach worker & know that people have their own choices to make when it comes to contraception. But, “his head” :thinking: :thinking: Maybe he should read the instructions?


I don’t think he knew how to “Get it Off”


I do wear caps and hats in the summer. Winter here is balaclava mask and beanie time. Truth be told I am not overly fond of head wear. :smiley:

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I’ve just looked up those Russian hats, they look so cosy and warm.:+1:.

Of course they should be, living in Russia, shiver me timbers.


Because they don’t know whether they are coming or going!


Oh dear! How embarrassing.


They think it’s trendy!

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I wear a cycle helmet when out on my bike. Does that count? :lol: Other than that, I wear a hat when fishing to keep the sun out of my eyes and to stop my ears from being sunburnt.


I always wear a hat when I am out otherwise my head burns, never wear a hat indoors.


And I have a Trilby when it rains.

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I wear two hats, indoors, then the same hats an a hood when outdoors, its so comfy.

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Hats? Take your pick. I have worn a hat as long as I can remember. In summer to keep the sun off my hairless head. In winter to keep it warm. I believe you can loose a lot of body warmth though ones head.! The present one at the moment is the Mercedes one. image|690x517

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