you wear a hat?

Well, it certainly suits you, Barry.


If it was an All Blacks cap I could understand :wink:

I feel about baseball caps the same way you feel about diamond socks, Pauline! Would not be seen out with anyone - male or female - wearing one.

Did I say I wouldn’t be seen out with someone wearing diamond socks…my son wears them, …I can’t remember saying that…I often go out with my son…
I must read that thread again.
Baseball bat hats I quite like ,

No - you didn’t - I did! - but only about baseball caps :grinning: :grinning:

But you did say you disliked diamond socks.

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Yes, I don’t like to see diamond socks on men…but, they don’t drive me “ NUTS”…:joy::rofl:

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I’ve been known to wear ear muffs when there is a bitter cold wind, else I get ear ache.
Otherwise I just put my hood up.


My son agrees with you about baseball hats…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:…especially on woman.:joy:…mentioning no names!.

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Why do people always have to turn baseball bats back to front? :thinking:

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Hey! I’ve been known to wear a baseball cap on occasion…purely to be sun smart I assure you…

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I have done it now and then…keep the sun of my neck


I used to wear a Balaclava in primary school. My mother made them and she made me wear them. I absolutely abhorred them…:frowning:


Me too…it’s a joke between ST and I…she will know what I mean,:smiley:


I think you would be considered rather suspicious wandering around in a balaclava these days lol

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I bet you did…:open_mouth::open_mouth:

I remember those from my school days too, Besoeker.
The Mum’s used to knit them, as you say. I wonder how many young Mum’s knit nowadays . .
Nowadays it seems its mostly only burglars who wear them! :grinning:

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At my age, that would be stretching it a bit to far,:rofl::joy:

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lol…at least I’ll never be accused of being a redneck :rofl:

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I have a flat cap for two reasons: it’s waterproof and keeps the rain off; also it demonstrates my roots in God’s County.

I also have one of those Russian hats (can’t remember the name off hand), but in extreme cold weather I can fold down the ear flaps. My ears are always the most sensitive parts of my anatomy… when it’s very cold.


Hmmm. Not sure what the Russians call them but I am sure I have heard Americans refer to them as beaver hats…?