Well, it certainly suits you, Barry.
If it was an All Blacks cap I could understand
I feel about baseball caps the same way you feel about diamond socks, Pauline! Would not be seen out with anyone - male or female - wearing one.
Did I say I wouldn’t be seen out with someone wearing diamond socks…my son wears them, …I can’t remember saying that…I often go out with my son…
I must read that thread again.
Baseball bat hats I quite like ,

Did I say I wouldn’t be seen out with someone wearing diamond socks…my son wears them,
No - you didn’t - I did! - but only about baseball caps
But you did say you disliked diamond socks.

Did I say I wouldn’t be seen out with someone wearing diamond socks…my son wears them,
No - you didn’t - I did!
But you did say you disliked diamond socks.
Yes, I don’t like to see diamond socks on men…but, they don’t drive me “ NUTS”…
I’ve been known to wear ear muffs when there is a bitter cold wind, else I get ear ache.
Otherwise I just put my hood up.

My brother wears a baseball cap,
I feel about baseball caps the same way you feel about diamond socks, Pauline! Would not be seen out with anyone - male or female - wearing one.
Did I say I wouldn’t be seen out with someone wearing diamond socks…my son wears them, …I can’t remember saying that…I often go out with my son…
I must read that thread again.
Baseball bat hats I quite like ,
My son agrees with you about baseball hats……especially on woman.
…mentioning no names!.
Why do people always have to turn baseball bats back to front?

especially on woman.
Hey! I’ve been known to wear a baseball cap on occasion…purely to be sun smart I assure you…

Why do people always have to turn baseball bats back to front?
I have done it now and then…keep the sun of my neck
I used to wear a Balaclava in primary school. My mother made them and she made me wear them. I absolutely abhorred them…

especially on woman.
Hey! I’ve been known to wear a baseball cap on occasion…purely to be sun smart I assure you…
Me too…it’s a joke between ST and I…she will know what I mean,

I used to wear a Balaclava in primary school. My mother made them and she made me wear them. I absolutely abhorred them
I think you would be considered rather suspicious wandering around in a balaclava these days lol
I bet you did…

I used to wear a Balaclava in primary school. My mother made them and she made me wear them. I absolutely abhorred them
I remember those from my school days too, Besoeker.
The Mum’s used to knit them, as you say. I wonder how many young Mum’s knit nowadays . .
Nowadays it seems its mostly only burglars who wear them!

Why do people always have to turn baseball bats back to front?
I have done it now and then…keep the sun of my neck
At my age, that would be stretching it a bit to far,

At my age, that would be stretching it a bit to far
lol…at least I’ll never be accused of being a redneck
I have a flat cap for two reasons: it’s waterproof and keeps the rain off; also it demonstrates my roots in God’s County.
I also have one of those Russian hats (can’t remember the name off hand), but in extreme cold weather I can fold down the ear flaps. My ears are always the most sensitive parts of my anatomy… when it’s very cold.
Hmmm. Not sure what the Russians call them but I am sure I have heard Americans refer to them as beaver hats…?