Members Art work

This is lovely! :smiley: You are so good with portraits!

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Great portrait, Muddy :clap:

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Thank you RN ,PK and Mags:)

doing a bit more


did a bit on the hair


That’s the one Muddy, what a lot of difference that casual hairstyle makes!

Perfect in my eyes! :+1:

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Thank you Mags
Got to let it dry for a while now .
So I am doing a bit of recycling
Found one of those old ghastly pictures that you buy from anywhere all black and white splodges was about to chuck it in the tip but decided to try and do something with it .
So first covered it in blue paint ( I had some blue paint ) and now I am trying to paint a stylised Spanish village


Nearly done !
Just a few dark bits showing through I will fix them tomorrow


Wow! That’s very impressive, Muddy! :grinning:

Thank you Mags
I am quite pleased with it my self it only took a couple of hours.
( acrylic paint )
I wish I had taken a picture of the old black and white abstract first it was just junk but it was canvas and quite a nice size about 4’ x1.5’ .

It’s hard to believe that lovely picture was once an “old black and white abstract” that you were going to throw away, Muddy. It has turned out lovely and the colours are great.

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Its surprised me too I might put it over the bed .:slight_smile:

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Before looked a bit like a cheapo version of this but much worse with no yellow ( this one is actually in the metropolitan galley NY )


Changed the background on my portrait and added whiskers


You should submit some of your portrait work to Portrait Artist Of The Year. Your work is fantastic :ok_hand::+1:
Artist of the Year - Wikipedia

It’s fabulous Muddy

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That looks even better, Muddy :+1:

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Thank you LD but they only have four hours to zap up a portrait I am a bit slow .
Love watching it though :slight_smile:

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Thank you Maverik and Mags
Have to wait a while now until it dries out

Changed the background on my other portrait


I like this colour background…she looks very fey and ethereal :smiley:

I seem to have missed your other works…they are very lovely :+1: