Medical cannabis

I will be back to look at & answer the other posts later.

Off out now. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Carol,
Medical grade cannabis is usually a lot better than street grade cannabis BUT it does still have THC in it. Many people are under the assumption that medical marijuana has no THC and this just isn’t true.

What medical grade marijuana doesn’t have is fentanyl, crushed glass, harsh pesticides and things that are very harmful. If it’s medical grade it’s of the highest quality.

Unfortunately I don’t live in the UK so can’t be as helpful as I’d like to. I’m not even sure medical marijuana is legal there but there are some compassion clubs you might be able to get into and after reading the link below, it looks like the police have a 3 strikes, you’re out policy. Just don’t drive high.

Getting into a compassion club still requires a letter from your doctor stating your medical condition. If you feel uncomfortable asking for this, ask to get a diagnosis for insurance purposes. Your doctor doesn’t necessarily have to agree with you taking it but a diagnosis is required. From there the compassion club will usually make an appointment with an independent doctor who will review your case / chart and decide from there whether cannabis would be suitable for you

You usually get a card which will allow you to purchase medical marijuana and have it shipped through the mail to your house.
The card doesn’t actually make you instantly legal. The card is usually recognized so if you are ever caught, you aren’t charged BUT not if you are driving.
Nobody should drive high. Period. It’s unsafe for everyone and not taken lightly.

Once you get your compassion club card, the people running these places can give you more information on all this. Once I got my compassion club card I started growing my own since I knew how and had the room to. Although medical cannabis is top grade, it’s expensive.

You probably will be able to order cannabis oil capsules in certain strengths. I recommend getting the lowest strength possible if you are wishing to use orally.
VERY IMPORTANT NoTE: taking cannabis orally can literally take hours to be effective and since it’s delivered via the blood stream, it’s VERY effective. For first time users, quite often, they get far too high so I strongly suggest having a day where you aren’t doing much of anything, especially NOT DRIVING!

Using your first time around, can cause some paranoia until your body adapts to it. With the right dose, paranoia can be minimized substantially.

Different strains for different disorders
You most likely will be prescribed an indica dominate strain. These strains are most effective on pain. Whoever has tried cannabis and doesn’t receive any pain relief has probably had some inferior product because cannabis most certainly IS very effective on pain. Any type of KUSH is suitable. Pink / purple kush are popular strains suitable for pain relief and quite tasty.

Sativa dominant strains are much more of a head high however some are great for depression like strawberry cough.

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are going to use cannabis then don’t drink alcohol or mix drugs. This is a very bad idea.

Vaping is a method many users prefer. These days you can purchase a hand held vape which only holds a minuscule amount. These vapes offer a quick and SAFE method of delivery without much smell to them so can safely be used in the comfort of your own home. It’s the method I most prefer apart from the capsules. It’s a VERY predictable method and something I recommend. There is a small amount of vape so there is an adjustment to get used to but it most certainly helps reduce pain and inflammation. Cannabis has anti inflammatory qualities.

It’s not for everyone. Your first try might not be desirable but like any medication, getting the right strain and dosage are key.

Good luck Carol.

P.s. once you get some cannabis you can easily learn to make your own canna butter or canna oil if you prefer to use orally. This way you can make it the strength you prefer.


Carol, just thought of something else.
Down here they do ‘Pain Clinics’ for people with long term pain.

Would that be worth asking your GP about?
Have you also tried a physio for specific daily back exercises?

Don’t even go there, Carol. I appreciate you are in pain and it must be dreadful for you - but no where near so bad as the consequences of taking adulterated cannabis could be. A lot of the ‘street’ stuff is mixed with weeds/herbs which, while harmless on their own, may counteract very badly with your other medication. Not only that - but have you considered what would happen to Tony if you were caught and arrested?

I am sure if you asked your GP you would have a sympathetic response.

As for actually taking taking it - yes - following major surgery in 2003 I was asked by the Pain Management Team if I would be willing to be a test case for them. As I was a member of staff at the time and appreciated what they had done for me I agreed. It was a bit surreal to begin with but it did keep me pain free - enough to be up and about within 24 hours.


The Pain Clinics are a good idea - at least in theory. Mr P attends one online in the form of a Zoom meeting. So far they have suggested he obtains his medication weekly instead of monthly, so that its making it easier to manage :roll_eyes:

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[quote=“SilverTabby, post:24, topic:85719”]
Don’t even go there, Carol. I appreciate you are in pain and it must be dreadful for you - but no where near so bad as the consequences of taking adulterated cannabis could be. A lot of the ‘street’ stuff is mixed with weeds/herbs which, while harmless on their own, may counteract very badly with your other medication. Not only that - but have you considered what would happen to Tony if you were caught and arrested?

Sensible post, Tabs. :+1:

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Thanks for your comments everybody.

Co-codamol has been mentioned but codeine makes me violently sick so that’s out.

I looked up the OxyNorm pills that Bruce takes but they are opioid based and at the moment I’m suffering withdrawal from opioid medication. I wouldn’t want to start that again.

Tramaol has been mentioned but that also is addictive & not advised for long term.

Pain clinics: As the most powerful meds make me vomit I don’t know what they could do. I know somebody who went to one & they said it was useless.

Medical cannabis doesn’t appear to rot the stomach same as strong painkillers. I was under the impression that it had less side effects & was safer.

I’ll stick with asking my doctor about it & see what she says.

Opioids are highly addictive
Medical marijuana doesn’t rot the stomach lining
It looks like you guys do have medical marijuana and it’s been legal there since 2018. It would be a good idea to ask your doctor about it.

Medical marijuana has successfully helped many get off opioids. One of my patients I legally grew for was completely addicted to them and successfully got off them. It’s not a perfect drug and has limitations. Before going to see your doctor you might want to research information on people using this as an alternative to opioids to show. Maybe print off some copies for her.

The reason I say this is for the reason that most doctors don’t know anything about this. Their insurance doesn’t cover medical marijuana so they are warned not to prescribe it.

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Very wise. You have to stay safe - we need you in here!

I wish I had wise words for you Carol
I just hope the condition eases soon for you x

I heard somewhere, some time ago, that it’s difficult to separate the THC from the CBD. Is that the case @Bratti and is that why the medical stuff contains THC?

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Pain clinics: As the most powerful meds make me vomit I don’t know what they could do. I know somebody who went to one & they said it was useless.

Carol, that is like saying one person didn’t like Asda, so you won’t go either!
Maybe the person your friend saw was useless, or maybe her cause of pain was not remotely the same as yours, I don’t know, but don’t condemn them all because of just one report.

If you don’t get on with it, at least you will know you tried.
And if it does help, you will be glad you went.

I’m sorry to know you are in such pain. I dont have any answers, wish I did. Dont go down the illegal route carol, they put god knows what in street drugs, they don’t care if they kill you just as long as they get their greedy mitts on your money.

I think I would ask my doctor about medical cannabis.

I think its time they legalised cannabis for medicinal purposes. Its a natural plant that has healing and pain control properties in it.

Good luck, x

I think I would ask my doctor about medical cannabis.

Queenie, I have just found this about cannabis on the Government website.

Carol, you’d best have a read. It seems medical cannabis is legal and has been prescribed for some time.

Oh I didn’t know that.

Good move i reckon .

Thz for info mupsy

Thanks Mups, but 

They’re being mean with it. Here’s an NHS page from the same date, as @MrFraggle67 posted above:

It does say the info is due for renewal on 1 Nov 2021

Holland & Barrett the Health Group Stores were selling the Cannabis Oil.
My daughter bought some from there a couple of years ago
no success with pain for me though
 Seen it here in the local Pharmacy as well
Dont know when they started stocking it here in France though because I know the powers than be were very strict about allowing it

[quote=“d00d, post:36, topic:85719”]
It does say the info is due for renewal on 1 Nov 2021

I wonder which way it was go on renewal day, dOOd?
Will prescriptions become more flexible, or the opposite.
Not long to wait.

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Yes. It’ takes expensive equipment to do that but one can order strains with low THC content or purchase CBD oil made from hemp which doesn’t contain any THC. Technically CBD oil made from hemp ‘should’ be legal everywhere.
THC works incredibly at relieving pain. That’s why compassion clubs opened. Cancer patients who were nauseous due to chemo are often helped by cannabis. It would also increase appetite.

Another thing that I forgot to mention is that if you can get into a compassion club to get your quality grade supply, you have a better , easier chance of becoming legal.

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You buy seeds online and grow a couple of trees in a conservatory or a greenhouse. By the next September you have a lot of marujuana. Dry it for a fortnight.

If you are not in pain you are stoned every day for about nine months, and probably more appropriate for a mid-twenties type of an activity. Also disproportionate paranoia with visitors/flyovers and such.

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