If we sacked all men who did that, would there be enough money to pay them unemployment benefit ? What about the women who are married, they made the same marriage vows.:!:
Its the neck of a hypocritical Politician that never fails to floor a person of the general population.
They really have the knives out for him dont they…I feel sorry for his family more than anything. I would resign if I were him…nothing is worth the pressure he is being put under.
Exactly Twink, my fault entirely for not making this clear.
Free and single, no great issues, you are not putting yourself or others at risk.
Being a Government employee with access to sensitive information is .
It happens, all we need to know is that it is happening nobody will blame you or interfere, that is life.
Fess up, and nothing happens, you are not a risk, you cannot be blackmailed.
I wonder what the reaction would have been, if it had been a man he was snogging with in the broom cupboard?
Matt Hancock’s mistress Gina Coladangelo seen packing car hours after finding out affair was about to be exposed
Gina Coladangelo, 43, then drove off in her £70,000 Audi Q7 from outside her £3.6million family home.
She left without her millionaire husband and Oliver Bonas founder Oliver Tress, 54.
And she did not return to the property in South West London yesterday.
Gina’s dad, Rino Coladangelo, 70, is a millionaire businessman who is the boss of the international pharmaceutical company Rephine. **
Approached by the MailOnline, he declined to comment except to say: “My daughter is a wonderful woman.” *
- In Italian, “Mia figlia è una donna meravigliosa”.
** Obviously, sheer coincidence.
That’s right Twink, there has to be someone for the men to have an affair with. The women are just as guilty but it is usually the men that get the bad publicity.
Eeeww, I sat through the cringe worthy video, and she went over to him and seemed very comfortable with the whole intimacy, so clearly its a long standing thing and not just a quick kiss. Boke.
Is there a statue of limitations on that? (Abbott and Corbyn in mind)
I was disappointed it didn’t go any further.
This is the trouble with the world today, especially the UK…Does it really matter?.. It’s the government for God’s sake not another episode of love Island…Is it just me, or do you think we have got our priorities all wrong!..
I’m fairly sure the Sun has the full unedited version stashed away on some weird website or another.
Yes. Hardly anything on Russia firing at our warship but lots on Matt Hancock’s fumble.
He’s not even getting as much flack as this for how he is handling the virus…its all where his bloomin’ hands are :shock:
Yes, he is all over the place.
I tend to think that if both are married they are both to blame for the damage they do to their partners and children. If they are both free and single what they do is nobodies business but their own.
I also believe that if one is married and the other isn’t then the other has no obligation to the married one’s spouse or children. That is where many men don’t get blamed but the single woman does :surprised:. There are many men who never admit that they are married so maybe that is why they get such blame!
Perhaps all married people should have something more permanent than a wedding ring so if they cheat the other party will know!
In all circumstances I see no reason why the press should be allowed to print such photos as it is a private matter !
The press are scum and no doubt all ‘At it’ themselves.
Well I knew a reporter that was! he even tried it with me but his colleagues had told me he was married!
For me, the only two issues are:
1/. Who released the CCTV footage (and how much they got paid for it or for what motive)
2/. Whether Hancock employed her for her skills (using public money) or because he fancied a shag.
The stuff about his private life and indeed his breaking covid restrictions are of little importance.
There you go. I wonder how he would have felt having his affairs splashed all over the front pages? Of course, he wouldn’t have seen anything wrong in what he was up to.