Mashed potatoes - lumps or smooth?

Some people say that lumpy mashed potatoes is a sign of a lazy cook who just didn’t take out the lumps.

Others say that smooth mashed potatoes are over processed and gummy.

Which camp are you in?

How do you like your mashed potatoes?
  • Lumpy
  • Smooth
  • I don’t like/eat mashed potatoes

0 voters


The only way my household eats mashed pots is smooth as a topping for cottage pie and that is made with the addition of a good strong cheese👍


Smooth mashed potatoes is a must on a pie or with a roast beef/lamb dinner.
Lumpy actually makes me heave.

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Well I don’t really like Mash potatoes, but if I do have it, I like it cooked well with n o lumps and lashings of butter, but no milk.

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No lumps, butter and milk for me, though these days I rarely bother cooking potatoes, I prefer rice which is quicker and easier.

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Got to be smooth

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Have you ever eaten butter and salt on rice like you might do potatoes but without the mashing part? I like it.

I’m a little surprised at the number of smooth voters. I thought that homemade mashed potatoes were supposed to be lumpy even if I’m a bigger fan of smooth myself.


If I leave lumps in our mash and my goody lady mentions it I tell her it is Rustic Mash…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If I’m eating out somewhere and it’s very, very smooth, I suspect Auntoe Bessie’s or Smash!

But other than that, I think mashed potatoes should be smooth and buttery, no lumps. I add salt, white pepper and a sprinkle of nutmeg

“Smashed” new potatoes are lumpy and nice :+1:


If you mean like this:

then I agree with you - I’m (almost) addicted to them … :yum:

I like my mashed potatoes smooth - if speed is of the essence the my favourite “instant” mash is Idahoan:

:yum: :yum: :yum:

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Smooth every time and not from a packet. I mash them so I always imagine the face of the current Bane of my life then I can thrash…mash for hours. Adding loads of butter, Black Pepper and a little milk followed by another load of mashing.

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Smooth, with butter and milk.

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An American classic from the State of Idaho, known for its potatoes. :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

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Exactly … and a reputation well-justified … :+1:

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Smooth with butter do not add milk as rare I have milk in the house.

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It depends… can’t beat homemade mash according to your own tastes.
Sometimes I mash up the skins too.
Gotta be gravy… lashings!


No, but I always cook rice with a few cardamom seeds (not pods) thrown in. I used to chuck in a few cloves as well but you have to be careful to pick them out when the rice is cooked.

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