Mart's Images & Photos

Some sawn up logs from when I trimmed down some Laurel in the garden. Photo tinted as seen. A surround and frame made with Xara Designer


Great pictures mart
The double of my brother in cornwall …

Can you restore mart ?

I can but to varying degrees. It depends on the damage. Some photos are so badly damaged that they can’t be entirely successfully restored. They also can take many hours to do.

It took a while to learn how to do these. In fact, the red one is a failure because it doesn’t fit together quite right. Still doesn’t look too bad though. The other one is more how it should look…


I see what you mean Mart, the radiuses on the outside of the red one don’t seem to be as smooth as on the yellow one. Never the less, they are brilliant and far better than anything I could do…

Quite interesting to construct (if you’re into imagey things :slight_smile: ). The red one shows that the successful result is made up of two images of the same twirly shape. One is reversed and then put on top of the other. Although the same shape, the colours are different. The join isn’t noticeable because the points where the the two shapes meet are the same colour.


A collage made from various items Mrs mart has made over the years …all apart from the image top right. This was part of a page heading in a website I once had online.

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Items made more recently by Mrs mart…

Yes, it’s a coat, entirely hand made…

Diamond painting…

Patchwork & Quilting…

Christmas ornaments…


Nice Mart! And I bet Mrs Mart could sell that coat for a few bob - not many hand made clothes these days they all appear to be robot-made-rubbish! In fact you have given me an idea for a thread! :lol:

Gel flowers…


Material Poinsettias. Made by Mrs Mart for a friend…


That is beautiful Mart, Mrs Mart is very clever and I’m sure her friend will be delighted to receive the poinsettia.

I think she will too. Just got to remember never to water them. :slight_smile:

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:grinning: …. It’s definitely an indoor plant, no watering needed! :grinning:

The screenshots below are the results of a digital paint by numbers program (Art By Numbers by Awigor - available on BigFish games). No art by the user needed but just a case of filling in the 3345 segments with 70 different shades/colours. A harmless pastime that kept my interest for some hours. The program comes 72 different pictures to colour in.

What I think is really clever is the way the program is put together and the artwork. How on earth thinks up the pictures and colours in the first place and then draws it all out? Computer generated, drawn by hand? Well …I think it’s pretty clever stuff no matter how it’s done.




Hi Mart! Beautiful clock !!! I love clocks, & this one you posed is Gorgeous.

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Thanks :slight_smile: It was one that took a while to draw. Some images showing a few stages of construction…


I feel a sense of calmness, serenity, and inner self in that picture.

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