Mark's Poems & Prose

I’m charmed! and looking for a manager?

another poem for Marky!

No one wants me anymore

No one wants to know me anymore
I once had family, friends
acquaintances by the score
but they’ve all disappeared and there ain’t no more

Some have died, I’ll give you that
Others moved away and don’t look back
I didn’t realize there was an hour glass
Through which one day we all will pass

The Xmas cards have dwindled down and down
Though some did switch to E cards from Hallmark Crown!
But even those don’t come through anymore
I’m counting on one hand and now can keep the score!

All my nephews, nieces, grandkids too
I hear about their exploits through and through
But all they really want is cash in hand
Or some new gadget with a flashy brand

I know I could start off again
Well at last acquaintances and some friends
But that means going out of these four walls
Oh well I’ll have another drink to pluck up the gaul

I think staying in one place would have done the trick
Instead of ‘swaning’ world scene, feeling slick
I kept sending cards some letters too
But in the end they said ‘well who are you?’

The grim reaper says there is always a price to pay
But he wouldn’t name the price or in kind say
And finally when the game is done
You realize what the price is and how big the sum

Are you trying to tell me something?

Could it not be the opposite though?

I fink it is you know.

you are in a a state of extreme denial

he always wanted to travel some climes
so got a ticket to old egypt times
he thought it’s lovely here for a while
but he was really just all up de nile!

so he headed out real fast
and took a slow boat to China repast
Yes this will do for a while
but in his head he was still up de nile

so he switched to the grand canyon and all
ah he said this sure is a ball
yes can forget all the past for a while
BUT [yes you’ve guessed it] he was still up de nile!


You have it wrong, me thinks
Peace and quiet - noise stinks
When rearranging one’s tangled mind
Friends colloquial rantings so unkind

Out of the dark light will show
Slowly but surely to follow the glow
To stumble wearily to a different land
Leaving behind that which seemed so grand

We progress do we not - or do we stagnate?
Not I, for I evolve continuously - so try not to placate
That which is altering before your very eyes
To emerge different - shedding the lies

good! I think you are slowly getting better - keep it up!

Ode to the iPad

Oh how I wish my thing would ‘ding’
It’s great to use just take a look
The pleasure was great, that it did bring
Until encounters on Facebook

When others post, there’s no alert
I am remiss ? Oh no not me
I’m keeping up … no need to hurt
It’s lack of ‘ding’ … so there … you see :shock:

Is that about me and Harry?

Rachel :slight_smile: if you go into your ipad settings > Sounds, you will see an option for FB Post. Maybe that will give you a ‘ding’ or even a ‘ping’ :smiley:

I don’t use FB so I can’t be sure about this :wink:

No dearest !

It seems to be an ongoing problem not only with iPads but other ‘stuff’ too … I shall have to put up with having no ‘dings’

chanted to the tune of My boomerang won’t come back,

My Ipad won’t go ding
My I pad won’t go ding
I’ve waved the thing all over the place,
Practised till I was black in the face,
I’m a big disgrace to the anglo saxon race,
My Ipad won’t go ding!

Coding annat

Tired I am - eyes worn out you see
Staring at the screen, oh so forlornly
Coding this and that takes a toll on me
Makes me write poems like this - 4 lines that rhyme but are so dreary

It doesn’t have to be that way
Four lines are plenty, if you’ve sommat to say
Four lines can change the world
Can cause a person to become Unfurled.

have I escaped from childhood blight?
what keeps pushing me through the night?
can I just sit back listen to advice?
or am I doomed to always fight?

Nothing comes to mind tonight
Long day I suppose - seems right
That I should while the time away
With just silly forum play.

Getting my arse in gear

I need to get my arse in gear - that I surely do
I can’t hang around here all day - that is just poo
No, I have work to do - more than I can handle really
At least I’m focused now and stopped playing with my w…

There is more to life that silly banter
I need to get my head down - get my brain in a canter
To solve all that I have before me regarding website coding
Not to stick here where others are so good at goading

No, there is a time and place for all
Whoever you are - big or small
And I’m in the middle but still pack a punch
Above my weight - that reminds me - lunch

So, I will return here at various times
To enlighten many on this forum with my eloquent rhymes
I can see my wit is needed by the unfortunate few
Ah lunch beckons - and I need to put the kettle on for a brew

Awesome once again :smiley: .

Great work there Mark, full of optimism and the promise of better things to come in life, right way to go about it.;-):slight_smile:

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.”


It doesn’t rhyme.

there are no rules!..