Man controls equipement with his mind!

Neurosurgeons in america have spliced a small device into a paralysed
mans brain called a BCI, or a brain/computer interface !
This enables him to use his cell phone and computer using only his thoughts !!
Bring on the cyborgs ?? :thinking::thinking:

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Impresses the hell out of me!

how primitive is that? My wife tells me what to do and if I don’t do it right away I get ear ache :rofl:


Scares the hell out of me Davenorave.

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Amazing. Let’s hope this is only the beginning.

Provided it’s only used for good things Dex…

God, this is going make some of the mental health wards fun places to be. As even before this technology made such brain implants possible, many delusional people believed with total conviction, that it had happened to them.

Do you think hospital wards will be called the “scratch n sniff ward”,dept " no way,seriously ?".

It is impressive. Many men appear unable to control their own equipment with their mind.

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