Making kindle covers out of hard back books

This is becoming quite popular it seems but although I am a kindle convert I hate seeing hard back books destroyed to make into a cover for one.

I have made my own cover for fraction of the price as those you can buy but out of fabric and kapok stuffing not out of something that IMO should be treasured for what it is.

Is it me or is destroying books a criminal act ?

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What if it’s a Rolf Harris book!
I threw two of those out last year, couldn’t bring myself to take them to Scope.

His would be best used as dartboards.

Come to think of it it could be a good use for hard back books whose spines have gone or they’re too badly damaged.

Libraries were getting incredibly fussy years back. They’d started checking the returned books ( before they installed the self-serve machines) … for damage caused by the last user and apparently if they spotted dried blood it was consigned to the reserve library. Or so the handsome librarian told me though he did wink at me when he did.

I agree with you, Julie. There seems to be a craze at the moment for making words by folding the pages of books - I don’t like that either.

I’d protect those too, there is something incredibly visceral about damaging any books for me. I’m not saying I’d necessarily want to read everything but to lose a book, any book it just hurts inside. I find films where they show burning of books quite traumatic I’d almost rather see a dead body than a book being destroyed.

Why would anyone make a Kindle cover out of a hard backed book? We have soft rubber ones on our Kindles.

Sounds like one of those daft fads … I prefer proper books myself though can’t deny the convenience of a Kindle.

I am with you on that one, Morti, can’t beat the real thing!:smiley:

I have both books and a kindle, but only because I was running out of space for books.

Sorry in advance Julie
But new novels in paperback are reproduced on a MASSIVE scale
I have no qualms about letting the students at school re-use, re-invent and up-cycle them until their hearts content

Sacrilege sacrilege :!: :wink: :mrgreen: