Major Surgery

Has anyone here ever undergone major surgery?

I can’t believe it’s been nearly 4 years, since I had open heart surgery.:open_mouth:

Or maybe you are awaiting some form of surgery?

Tell us about here ,if you feel you can

Wouldn’t call it major surgery but have had a hernia op about 10 years back.
Don’t want one of those ops again. Took me 5 minutes to get out of bed the next morning the pain was so bad. Ended up sleeping on the sofa to save climbing the stairs.
To top it off I had a cough as well. :+1:


Yes this week Pauline, Spinal surgery on two disks, home resting now, but can’t walk without a zimmer frame.


Ouch,Susie…on the spine,:open_mouth::open_mouth:…that was a tricky operation then, I hope you aren’t in to much pain ,…:heartpulse:

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In Surgery for 3 hrs Pauline, my back was worst then he fault, my nerves and muscles were all crushed and inflamed. I am still in a lot pain at the moment.


You poor love,…I hope you are resting up and being waited on…that was a serious operation,Susie…are you getting any peace from the pain?..I hope it’s not constant?

What pain relief are you on? it oral morphine?

Back in 2009 just before Christmas I was semi rushed into hospital and had to undergo emergency surgery they operated in the early hours of Saturday morning as they told mrs p, that I wouldn’t make Sunday,
Unbeknown to me, I had diverticulitis, one of the polyps had burst and was slowly poisoning me ( I had peritonitis) , I was fitted with a temporary colostomy which, would be reversed in six months, I remember waking up connected to all sorts of equipment even had an epidural, I was off work for two months but gradually regained my strength, I’d also lost at least two stone, maybe more, of course, six months later I was back for more,but I wasn’t ill,this time so it wasn’t quite as bad, unless you count the wound unzipping itself, and had to have it packed everyday by the district nurses , not forgetting the infection I got,and I also had a hernia op in 2012…


Good grief, Primus, what an ordeal that must have been, sounds horrendous…so glad you got through it…:heartpulse:

Went into hospital on July 12 th 2013 with prostate cancer discharged the next day with out a prostate or cancer.


My hernia op pales into insignificance compared to most of the above posts :slightly_smiling_face:


Excellent news, caricature,:+1::+1:

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Not at all, Chilli, that must have been awful, especially the coughing…:weary:…made the pain even worse.


Not at all, still risks involved.


I had open surgery for gall bladder removal, they couldnt do keyhole as they said I had adhesions.

I also had open surgery for an ectopic pregnancy back in the 80s, I lost a fallopian tube and an ovary. I remember being in terrible pain with both ops. The ectopic was worse as I had dreadful gas pain too.

Both scars have faded well although the gall bladder scar I am numb there. The nerves are dead.

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I also had two Kidney Stone operations, as they were too big to pass and was across my bladder, they did one operation and left a stent up inside me, then brought me back 3 weeks later to do the other Stone.

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Numerous injuries and operations.

From head to foot only 10 inches of my body does not have scars.

Worst major operation was an emergency quadruple bypass 20 years ago.

Major operations are not to be confused with life saving operations.

I was in hospital over Christmas 2020 after emergency stents fitted in my one remaining coronary artery.

Last year I had a Central Line fitted in my neck after organ failure.

You are awake during both and it is weird you can feel what they are doing.

I am an inquisitive sort of person, so watched my heart stop on a screen during an arthroscopy.

All good fun and I am still here.

I’d have said…knock me out, I wouldn’t want to watch. On of my nieces is the same as you and likes to watch her procedures

22 months ago I had surgery to implant stents into my descending aorta and iliac arteries. I gave the whole story on OFF. It’s prolly still there but I cant be bovvered to look it up.