Lovely Threads Started

I think it’s great to have so many interesting non controversial threads being posted.

We all need some fun in our lives.:hugs:


My probationed return naturally and correctly means that some restrictions remain in place for the foreseeable future, including limiting the number of posts in a day, limited number of replies within some threads and not having access to some parts of the forum. No problems with any of this, and in fact I welcome them as it’s making me take a bit more time to reflect on whether and what to reply with, plus avoid getting involved with anything tetchy going on.

So, yep, it’s nice just to be involved in some pleasant threads.

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I wondered where you’d been?

I think Dextrous has been doing some community service for the forum, hence his absence.

Actually, that might be good idea for a thread… What Type Of Community Service Should Be Served On Forum Misbehavers?

I say… ‘ No Community Service’… just…’Off with their heads’!!

A fine would be good.To be transferred into my account.No problem.

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I could be your accountant (crooked of course!) :laughing:


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That sounds like a good plan!

Now let me find someone l can upset, start an argument and twist it around, so that l sound like the victim and they are the baddie.
They get fined for misbehaving, you get the cash from the fine, give me half and l launder it! :laughing:

Is this fine tax deductible?

I do need to discuss this with my partner… we do charge for all advice and correspondence.

When you get an answer from the antipodean convicted fraudster, put it in a bin and wheel it over to me. :grin::kissing_smiling_eyes:

Any reply will cost you £50… are you prepared to pay this?

What he said^^ :038:

That’s OK we have plastic money here ,it doesn’t get dirty.

Is there someone else in on this too?