Lost Shops.......of GB

34p for a pack of club!


Lots of local shops have closed too.Lears Bookshop in Cardiff had been there for over a 100 years.I spent a lot of time there,not for the whole 100 years though.

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no nostalgia here but our local shopping centre has lost two of its biggest: Debenhams & House of Fraser.

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Several favourites of mine no longer with us.

To name a few.

Woolworths (for the pick n mix)

I was always in Maplins, browsing the shelves of electrical goods and gadgets.


I got my bus pass about 10 years ago, and often use it instead of driving myself
Travelling by bus takes you through town centres and means you can look around, and what I notice is the number of shops & pubs that have closed down

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A couple of blasts from the past.


I don’t know if either of these two are featured in the video, I’ll be watching it at leisure this evening.

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The biggest loss for me was when the Tandy Electronics shop in Chichester closed down. It was bought by The Woolworths Group and then it ceased to exist :cry:


That was one I was trying to remember. Thanks.


We rarely visit the shops these days. We mostly get our groceries delivered to our door. Same with EVIS, milk. dog food, clothing, and various other things. We got in the habit when the Covid was rife and and just stayed with the habit.

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There was a Fishing tackle shop, Benwoods in Church Street off The Edgware Road. Much beloved by local anglers, you could actually smell the large bowls of maggots on the counter at the end of the shop, an Aladdin’s cave.


Maplins was my church Jazzi, I worshiped there at least once a week, and before that Tandy…
C&A, BHS , Blockbuster…Harbuckles…(my local chip shop)


Used to buy rarish records here in the 70s, haven’t been inside for 40 years, but when passing I’m always pleased to see they’re still in business.

Notting Hill Record Exchange


Reminds me of Reckless Records…I was surprised to find that they’re still around in Soho


Cardiff can boast of having the oldest record shop in the world,although it’s not at the original address now.

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Kardomah Cafes were very popular before we discovered pubs.I thought they were all gone but Wiki says there’s still one in Swansea.

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Woolworths is one I miss so much. I was always in there mooching around to see what was new.
Down in Perth where I spend a lot of time, BHS closed, What Everyone Wants closed, Bonmarche closed and now the only other shop I use is Matalan, hope that doesn’t close.

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Paperchase sad to see it go was great for note pad ,cards ,craft all sorts of lovely things.
Heartbroken when Laura Ashley went … yes bits are in Next , it’s mainly online …not the same.

Use to like shopping in Safeway their bread and cakes were lovely.
Back in the day when my kiddos were small it was Mothercare.
Etam was a favourite for me too

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A tittle tale from a long time ago. Yesterday we had the kids and grand kids for a family gathering. My oldest reminded me of the shopping trips for the groceries. I used an XL sheet that had everything on it. I used that for what we needed for that week. So off we go. Each of them on a mission and at the end they each had one treat. It was all very efficient - queueing in line was usually the delay - but even then we usually got it all done in about thirty minutes.

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