Lost my keys this morning immediately after unlocking the car

Searched everywhere for at least 20 minutes.
Where could they have gone? Unlocked the car, put stuff in the back, no keys.
Totally flabbergasted. Searched in the car, searched under the car, not on the roof.
Went inside to get a torch as it was gloomy, (had spare house keys hidden outside), re-searched again. I give up. :frowning_face:
Found them in my back pocket with my wallet. :grinning:

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That was a nice sequence of events. If those events were in reverse, it would have been so much worse.

Lock the door and then lose the keys generally doesn’t work out well. The keys invariably end up being in the locked place.

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Know the feeling. I have made a list of all my known “safe places”, I check them first.

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How often do I say “ is it in your pocket” to the kids and husband when they lose something? :rofl:

It seems to be a black hole and blindspot for men

Maybe you lack a handbag ……

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I think I need to wear them on a lanyard around my neck. :grinning:

I now wear a house key and two small keys to sheds around my neck. A few years ago my house key pinged out of my pocket having got entangled with a wallet or phone. This happened twice and once I couldn’t find the key again. People often wear a lanyard these days for id cards. No good if you have to carry a big bunch of office keys though.

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Tell me about it Bretrick,i have lost mine many times so decided to put a long red ribbon on the fob,works wonders.

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My keys attach to my belt loops, I bought the hook thing on Amazon. When they are clipped to my belt loop they dangle in my pocket.

I actually have two, this set with basically every house, garden and garage key (plus three keys that open the seniors’ offices) and one set with just the front door key, the garage key and my car keys both have similar clips.

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That split-second feeling when you discovered them must have felt like a good sneeze, Bretrick!

Better to have lost them than to see them in full-sight on the seat of one’s locked car, which is exactly what happened to me when I tossed them on the seat so I wouldn’t lose them in the moments needed to return the garbage cans back to the garage.

I did not lock the car in advance and the car is fairly new, so how could this have happened?

This happened to me. Years ago. Parked the car was getting the baby out of his seat into the buggy when a car arrived and, having the whole car park to park in decided to pull in alongside me. I was so polite I pushed the door to, to allow him plenty of room. Doors immediately locked!

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Four friends in four cars. Meeting up, to discuss the route to an unfamiliar destination.
No prob.
Had my recently acquired I-Pad & GPS, Directional gizmo. Instructions in Guttural English.
Sorted follow me.
Two miles down the road. Three cars behind, flashing lights.
Stopped “What’s the prob guys”.
The prob is This, Handing a two week old, neatly creased shattered screen.
“You left it on your car roof and my car gave it a tyre imprint”
All’s well that ends well. Without a gizmo.
With an AA. Paper Map, twice the size of a steering wheel.
:rofl: :Crying. All the way. To the next Pit Stop.

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It’s about routine, put things in a certain place in a certain order and the rest will usually follow.
Maybe autistic tendencies ain’t so bad!

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That terrifies me with the modern car and its propensity to lock itself at the drop of a hat. If my keys are inside the car I always leave the door ajar.

Oh how I miss my old Holden Kingswoods, any Holden key would unlock them.

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You list of kid keepsakes is identical to mine!

Here’s what happened;

I had tossed the keys on the seat, so I could walk my dog before taking her to the vet (didn’t want to chance losing the keys in the sand). I then let her in car on the passenger side and closed the door. In the time that it took me to walk around to the other side, she had pressed the lock button on the fob. It was a one in a million shot!

If the car had the old key start systaem, I probably wouldn’t have been complacent about leaving the keys on the seat. As it was, the push-button start made me lazy and careless about the keys.

That’s right, I am blaming the care manufacturer :sweat_smile:.

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Or a coat hanger :smile:

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Far too complex :wink: The windows usually just slid down

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