Lost a personal gift today

This morning I chose a white gold delicate cross with a diamond chip in the center as my necklace to wear. It was a gift from a guy in my hubby’s platoon in 1969 while we were stationed in Germany.
Vets are all “family”, and I used to have dinners for our friends, dances on the weekend in our apartment, general sharing and watching out for each other.
When he rotated back to the USA, he sent me this necklace in appreciation and friendship. That was over 50 years ago, and I’ve treasured it and the sentiment behind it.
When I came home from the casino today, the necklace was gone. I’ve called the establishment in case anyone was thoughtful enough to turn it in. It must have came unclasped during the day. If someone found it, being a religious cross, perhaps it will give them the comfort it has given me over the years.
I hope so…just so sad.


That is rather sad. Losing keepsakes is always heart wrenching.
Maybe it will be handed in eventually.

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It really has saddened me. I never stayed in touch after the military stint was over. But I also never forget him, his name, or where he was from (Florida). I hope he is well.

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Perhaps you will find it, in the car or tangled in your clothes. With something that precious it’s like losing a piece of your soul.


I’ve been out to the car, poked all around, shook my clothes as I took them off…no luck.
If it’s meant to be, I will find it. I didn’t realize just how much I cherished it.

What’s that saying? “You don’t know what you’ve lost until it’s gone”.


I hate it when something sentimental gets lost. I lost my engagement ring several months ago - backtracked everywhere but no sign of it. Guess if it’s meant to turn up, it will.

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Aww, sorry for your loss. I hope that you find it, but I’m glad you realized how much it meant to you and can cherish those memories. :prayer_beads:

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That’s a sad tale, who knows, it just might turn up at the casino, fingers crossed for you.

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You will find it when you are looking for something else RightNow.
I have done that soooo many times.

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Hope it gets returned to you RightNow, it makes you sad when you lose something special…

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