Losing Our Religion

Same here dOOd… I suppose I live my life adhering to Christian values so religion hasn’t been totally wasted on me but have to admit I think most of it is hocus pocus :slight_smile:

What exactly are “Christian Values”? I’ve seen damn few self professing Christians who come even close to the teaching of Jesus.


Ten commandments and all that stuff… does a curtsy

That’s not specifically Christian though.

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We are choosing no Religion, it is our choice to do so.

Muslims are Muslim, they have more children than the No Religion Population, so why are we surprised about the UK becoming a Muslim Nation?


Most of the “Christian values” and “commandments” are just basic humanitarian values - you do not need to have ever been raised by “Christian values” or have even heard of the Bible or the Ten Commandments to be a kind and caring person.

Who needs a God to tell you it’s not right to murder, cheat, steal etc from your fellow creatures?


Indeed. It’s as plain as the nose on your face (not your nose specifically!).
It is an almost certainty that eventually the UK will become a majority muslim nation.
What a downfall of the great, and a self-inflicted one.


I believe there are references in the bible regarding the end times - " there will a turning away from the church and increased idolatries, famines and plagues etc " [paraphrasing] feels like it heh?


Blind people with religion too and you can sell them (or persuade them into) anything - even if the religion is bollocks, OGF

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And there it is - religious bollocks

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What’s wrong with blind people being religious? It may be bollox but why should sighted people have all the fun?

well they are supplied with braille bibles aren’t they?

:laughing: :laughing: