Lonely hearts - is anyone else sick of swiping on dating apps?

Is anyone else sick of swiping on dating apps ?

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Nope, I don’t use those dating sites.

I am very busy in real life assessing and sniping (not swiping) no, no, no! Slim pickings the older we get.
Good luck!

whats an APP ??


Ignorance is bliss

I’ve never used a dating site. I much prefer to be spontaneous and introduce myself to a lady in the real world as and when I see fit.
I have the bruises to prove it!!!:open_mouth:

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and where does this violence take place in the real world ??? :slight_smile:

Only in my heart…:slightly_smiling_face:

I’d say Im sick of the deception on dating apps.

very true

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After 63 years of a happy marriage why would I use dating sites. Word of warning…never believe all you read.

All this bidding was done in real time a long, long time ago.

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