London Trolleybuses and a Sad Day In Cardiff

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I remember the Trolley Buses when they use to jump off the lines and the Conductor use to jump off and get a long pole and put them back on ,same as when we got to a Terminus and we were going the opposite way …
Funny when you think about the generation after us didnt know of this way of travel …

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Getting rid of trams and Trolleybuses was silly in hindsight.
I loved the ones in Cardiff but I can’t remember if I ever rode on one.

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Oh yes, the ever popular trolley bus; I remember them well. When I lived in Teddington, there was a major station and maintenance depot at Fulwell that served the T-buses after the trams were taken out of service. That depot has an interesting bus history and it still stands and operates today :+1:

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It was also the days when they had Clippies on , a conductor went from person to person clipping your ticket making a neat hole in it so you couldnt use it again .
And there was no door as you entered or left so it was a draughty ride .the seats were bench seats not like todays which are 2 singles joined together …The memories come flooding back , at end of the working day it would be standing room only .


They were very quick at stopping and starting so you always had to be hanging onto something.I regularly caught a no 4 which was a single decker,the only one in town.


Erm… So, what was your go to hanger on then?

The nearest.


There there is what one would call an incomplete statement


Co-incidentally that Jago Hazzard video popped up in my Youtube feed recently too.

Being electric they accelerated like a bat out of hell so if you leapt on at the last minute you could end up hanging like a flag from the pole on the entry deck