Locusts 'smell' cancer - major breakthrough for making cancer a 'treatable disease'

This is looking good! Hope further research is successful and its rolled out to the general public sooner rather than later! :+1:

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Don’t some dogs do this as well, Pixie? :thinking:

I wonder what on earth made someone think of trying Locusts?
I still don’t see how detecting the disease, makes it more curable though?
Unless they mean once detected, treatment could be started earlier?


I thought dogs could already detect cancer, why risk your crops?

I just said that, Bruce. :grinning:

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That’s two of us then. Is this a record?

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Great minds, y’see. :wink:

If treated before it spreads then treatment is cheaper and more effective. Perhaps people wouldn’t need chemo. But I’m thinking of an I’m a celebrity scenario being crawled over by insects. What if they escape in a swarm? I suppose long term they will develop bio-robots, part locust part machine that will be crawling into us like in a sci fi movie - ugh!

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Apparently the locusts can distinguish between different types of cancer. I’ve just checked and the plan is to develop machines that will detect cancer when we breathe into them.

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I suppose if locusts can smell cancer and detect different types, then there must be something to smell and it should be possible to make a machine to do the same?

I read about giant rats being used as a cheaper, and sometimes better way, of detecting TB

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As I understand it, tumours are our own body cells that mutate and reproduce much faster , thereby causing changes to our body functions. Sorry that may not be how a medical person would say it, but the basics are right!
As a cancer survivor for 11 years, what I would like to say is “if you notice any minor changes in your body , no matter how trivial, speak to your doctor”. I know it is hard to get a doctors appointment so mention that you fear it many be early cancer. One thing I learned from my cancer specialist hospital was , the sooner you catch it the more likely you are to beat it !
I know the diagnosis is scary & the treatments are not pleasant but finding it early often means you can get back to a normal life.
I support all these new methods of finding it early, because they often help to save lives! :+1:

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Gosh I have visions of the future as not being MRI’s or CT Scans, just get shoved in a room with dogs, rats and locusts snuffling all over you! :scream:

10 year survivor here, and a misdiagnosis from a locum who was more interested in her hair and short skirt, than the biopsy report. Give me locusts any day of the week! :astonished:

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Cancer is akin to a plague it affects so many. At last plagues of locusts can be put to good use.
But honestly wouldn’t it be marvellous if locusts are reliable indicator of this terrible illness