Little girl screams no while held down to have ears pierced

As a doting father to four daughters, I scream along side you and with you!!


People can say what they like, on this subject I could give a flip. If you hurt or kill a child you have absolutely no place in society now or ever. I even volunteer to be the one to see you out. Won’t interrupt my sleep pattern.

Yes I’ll stand by you and scream as well. The mere thought of my darling 6 yr old granddaughter being put through this torture makes my blood run cold.
And don’t anyone tell me it’s not torture because there isn’t really much pain - it is absolutely mental torture, which is abundantly clear from that video.


There IS pain and there is a whole list of detractions I found:-
Female genital mutilation ( Everyone should read this and then weep because its horrific.


Oh LD I completely agree, but I was really referring to the ear piercing thing. FGM is utterly horrific, and I simply cannot get my head around how something like this could ever have been dreamt up as being a good idea. What kind of sick mind would you have to have to even think of something like this?

Sorry, I shouldn’t really have replied to Danny’s post, which clearly mentioned FGM, referring to ear piercing. Obviously not following the thread properly!!!


Don’t worry Bathsheba! I believe that it is ok to smack a child gently to teach them right from wrong, but to inflict pain for cosmetic, religious or cultural reasons is wicked.


How awful, was barbaric , what is wrong with the parents

Why did I watch the video I knew I wouldn’t like it.
There should be an age of consent on piecing.


Most european countries pierce their baby girls ears not long after birth. My SIL is 66 and had hers pierced as a baby in Germany. I had neighbours from the Czech Republic and they had their baby daughter’s done too. My friend’s Mum was French and her and her sister were pierced as babies. I think in this country it is considered a bit “chavvy” but seen as the norm in the rest of Europe. I don’t like to see it though.

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