You minglers, stop it, give us non minglers a chance to mingle
We could form a club and just mingled among ourselves
Mingle, Mingle, Mingle.
Mingle mingle little star.
is it a star, is it a plane, NO its a MINGLE
Shall we three Mingle?
what was that song my ming aling aling
long time since i did a threesome mingle, which foot first
I mingle everyday but neither like or dislike it, it us a necessary evil.
Nooo, that was “Your Ding a Ling”
Always the Left foot followed by the Right foot.
so its ding aling a ming
Was Ming really merciless or was Flash just playing to the gallery?
Yep, you got it, or have you got it to get
Cant stop it’s to late I’ve mingled already
There must be a way to get unmingled
I would have thought so but apparently once one has Mingled then one becomes a Mingler for life.
I misread that as Minging
I was warned that mingling would stunt my growth.
No, sperm donation causes that!