Limerick (Part 4)

Judd should really start this next rhyme
Perhaps I will next time
Come help me young sir

Judd should really start this next rhyme
Perhaps I will next time
Come help me young sir
And see what will occur…

Judd should really start this next rhyme
Perhaps I will the next time
Come help me young sir
And see what will occur…
But first drink your Lager and Lime

Almost time for a shot of whisky

Almost time for a shot of whisky
Pretty sure to make a young guy frisky

Almost time for a shot of whisky
Pretty sure to make a young guy frisky
My favourite tipple, love the stuff

Almost time for a shot of whisky
Pretty sure to make a young guy frisky
My favourite tipple, I love the stuff
As long as you know when enough’s enough

Almost time for a shot of whisky
Pretty sure to make a young guy frisky
My favourite tipple, I love the stuff
As long as you know when enough’s enough
Yes indeed, too much is risky

I think it’s time for my bed

I think it’s time for my bed
Your favourite haunt it’s been said

I think it’s time for my bed
Your favourite haunt it’s been said
I’ll be all warm and snug
Like a bug in a rug

I think it’s time for my bed
Your favourite haunt it’s been said
I’ll be all warm and snug
Like a bug in a rug
and a pillow so soft for my head

My fences blew down in the storm

My fences blew down in the storm
That’s what storms do, it’s the norm

My fences blew down in the storm
That’s what storms do, it’s the norm
So now I must mend them

My fences blew down in the storm
That’s what storms do, it’s the norm
So now I must mend them
Without a referendum?

My fences blew down in the storm
That’s what storms do, it’s the norm
So now I must mend them
Without a referendum?
Pity it squashed that poor worm !!! :shock:

A poor worm got himself squashed

A poor worm got himself squashed
And his friend went and got himself coshed

A poor worm got himself squashed
And his friend went and got himself coshed
It’s a dangerous place is that garden