My son and daughter who both live in Canberra rang me over the last couple of days as they have done regularly since the NSW Lockdown started.
My daughter rang me a couple of days ago asking if I wished I had gone to stay in Canberra as she suggested when it was obvious to everybody except the NSW Government that a lockdown would be necessary. I told her that while that would have been nice I would have missed my own home and my “things”
Yesterday my son rang me saying that it was likely that the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) would be going into lockdown at 1pm. About an hour later the ACT Government (not the Federal Government) announced that a lockdown would commence at 1pm as he predicted (he works in defence).
It raised some interesting questions. If I had gone to stay in the ACT I would have been able to return home at any time until their lockdown without any problems other than I would have been unable to return to the ACT.
Now, with their lockdown, if I had returned to NSW from the ACT, I would have to isolate for 14 days.
My “stay at home” lockdown is not as severe as some LGAs in Sydney who cannot go more than 5km from their home for any reason. The only annoying thing for me is that I cannot have visitors or visit other people, my only contacts are either by phone or if I happen to meet people I know in the street or the supermarket. Obviously my youngest son who lives and works in Sydney cannot visit me either.
I am fully vaccinated and have a certificate to that effect but I still cannot travel, which we are constantly being told the vaccine will allow us to do.
Life in the pandemic is so complicated and the Delta strain as made it more so.
How have you found living with Covid?