Its about a woman who is convinced her hsband is cheating on her with someone at work. She got the wrong woman though - its the Nanny he’s having a passionate affair with.
Its just 4 episodes, one each night this week. Channel 5, 9 pm.
A ‘spoiler’ to me, is when someone tells you the ending, or the next episode even, but I have not said anything that wasn’t shown in the first episode only.
The affair was not a secret which I have inadvertently divulged.
Did you watch it?
I have not spoilt anything Art.
If you had watched it last night, it showed him quite plainly romping with the Nanny. Anyone who watched it will already know that so I have not said anything I shouldn’t.
Like I said before, a spoiler is when you tell someone what is to come, NOT what has already been and gone!
There has been extensive coverage of this series in all the TV guides and weekend TV supplements that informed anyone that read said coverage that the husband was having an affair with the nanny and that it had started in London before the family moved to Australia.
We watched it. V enjoyed it. Can’t say that I was all that bothered really besides, I don’t “do” psycho-dramas at the best of times.
Percy, It was a twist near the end of the episode.
I have a TV guide and there is no mention of the twist at the end of the episode. Why would they give it away?
I realise it was a plot “twist” at the end but, I spent the whole hour waiting for it because I knew it was going to happen having read it before hand.
Who’s on the defensive now Art ?
PercyVere says he knew there was a twist by reading about it ?
Anyone who didn’t guess it was going to be the nanny husband was bothering with early on must not have been paying attention:mrgreen: I wouldn’t fancy him, he looks frumpish if you can say that about a man .
I guess they employed porn stars to do those naughty bits in the cellar ?
Back to the beginning anyway . Why are the police there ?