Let's talk about household chores

I have a rough schedule for work chores.
During the week, it is in between meetings and during my lunch break. Working from home due to COVID helps.
On the weekend, it is a proper deep clean as soon as I wake up.
My question is, what kind of a chores person are you? Do you het your chores done and then relax or do you procrastinate?
My young adult son tends to procrastinate and it annoys me. This morning, he said to me - everyone is different mom!
Are you different?

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Monday is the main housework day at Tabby Towers - all doors and windows open - all rooms cleaned, bed linen changed, dust rearranged, shark exercised, laundry goblins satisfied.

Low maintenance daily chores done first thing - then breakfast, a shower - and time is mine to play with!

I bet it’s not as rough as mine.

As my wife is capable of only a little until she has fully recovered, (it will be a long journey) 99% of all household duties rely on me as the other occupant and I get stuck in as and when the need arises.

I don’t have set routines I do stuff when it’s needed to be done… at the moment my house is a work in progress so its just a bit of a bomb site…that will change though.

No , I’m a do it when I see it person , I’ve just stripped the bedding and new bedding now on , I will Hoover when i feel like it up or downstairs. I’m fastidious with my bathroom and kitchen though , i like it to look shiny and smell fresh. I prefer just to do as and when. It stays clean and tidy anyway

I am always cleaning ,Minx, I love it…I don’t really have a set routine, as I’m always cleaning.

I’m at my son’s house,I help him clean do his washing and ironing.

He has a high powered demanding job, so needs help, he would pay for a cleaner, but he would rather I did it…

Susan, I hoover about 4 x a day as I have a Jack Russel…he never stops shedding.:shock:

Ms d00d likes to do that … rearrange some dust.

I take charge of my desk … hoover computer, keyboard and desk with little brush attachment on end of pipe. :cool:

Many years ago I had 2 cavalier king Charles spaniels and I would Hoover a couple of times a day now it’s just little ole me it doesn’t really matter

I am filled with admiration for you all.
I hate housework and have no order at all .
My main bear bug though is untidiness and paperwork .Mr M is the most untidy man on the planet and I am not much better .
Even the dog is untidy and leaves his stuff everywhere .
Everyday I try to declutter but the blooming stuff reproduces and the postman brings another load of junk Mail .
I want clear open spaces and never seem to achieve it .:frowning:

You need me over there, I’d soon organise you!..:lol::lol:

I’ve organised many friends and customers houses…