I love the picture Tiffany… I’ve had to turn the heating up just looking at it
I haven’t seen snow since I lived in Brixton in the early 1970s when it snowed at Easter. If I never see snow again I will die happy, any temperature below double figures is too cold for me…
Actually come to think of it that’s not quite true, about a decade ago my daughter did take me and a foreign visitor to the Snowies for a day trip for the visitor to see snow. I stayed in the pub while they wandered about in the cold.
I remember that Bruce, I’m not sure but I think it was about 73.
Yes, but I suppose the winters in your part of Scotland are particularly harsh Rox. My family in Glasgow love it, skiing in Aviemore or Glen Coe at the drop of a hat
You’ve conjured up such a fabulous image and I feel precisely the same way about the classicality of Christmas and the lead-up to it. The only difference is…no going out. I’m allergic to freezing coldness - I break out in shivers, shudders and leaky eyes and ears! I’ll just settle for the scenic content in the great Christmas movies!
Yeah … I’m with you on that Ian, the classicality and lead up I mean.
Maybe just settle for some indoor snow
Blimey those things bring back memories!
Who put Mr Blobby in a light bulb
or 1974? I have a photo of the snowy view from my flat, it was less than an inch as I recall.
I say 1974 because I was in !ndia and Nepal for most of 1973 but it was a long time ago.
My last year at school was the winter of 1962/3 which was bitterly cold and very deep snow. Cliff Michaelmore on the Tonight program reckoned it was the beginning of a new ice age. The snow was well above my wellies! had to dig ourselves out of the front door.
School was a steamy affair with socks drying on the radiators. Had a great time tobogganing down the South Downs behind Folkestone.
The pipes froze, my old man’s car has a little kero heater to stop it freezing
We were stuck on Bristol Temple Meads station all day because of it.
Snow can very easily lose it’s charm.
Certainly for us older folk. Slippery under foot = broken hips etc
I have a Frosty, the Snowman item, not dissimilar to that, but, a few years ago, his “Frosty The Snowman” plink-plonk music died. I don’t know why, because I never over-wound it. It saddened me, to be honest, because I’m a super-sentimental type.
He still takes his usual place in among lots of other items, at the foot of my Christmas tree, and I’ve learned to settle for that. But, it was sad, because it reminded me of my mother having it bought for her by another family member, and I wish it would start playing the tune, again. She was my special movie-watching buddy, all year around.
I’m forced to spend Christmas alone, because my immune system is almost non-existent, but I still celebrate it in full form, including 2 different disco light units, my Christmas music CD, my Christmas movies (same ones, same order, every year) and phone calls with various acquaintances.
I’m sure you can fix it Ian they’re very simple mechanisms. It probably just needs a clean and a spray of WD40.
Thanks, for that, Ralph. I’m pretty useless at anything DIY…I’d probably cause a leak, given how strongly fixed together the glass ball is to the music thingy.
I can’t even knock a nail in…I ruined 3 screwdrivers, just this week!!! I sent my hammer back because some jobsworth forgot to put the instructions in the box! I’m home-improvently dozy!
But, thanks for replying.
I’m off to Iceland tomorrow.
Snow only belongs on Christmas cards imo.
I’ve got the feeling that it might have been 74 too now I think about it.
As for 1962 it was the year I was born so my memory is a little hazy on that one although I have seen a documentary about the big freeze, glad I missed it👍
That makes them all soggy and they won’t fit into their envelopes!
HAH, Don’t I know it as well. Thanks to black ice last January I ended up in hospital for several weeks, now I have a 10 inch metal rod inside my leg holding things together. Am terrified of falling again.
We already have snow up on the hills, won’t be long untill the blasted stuff is down at ground level.
I can’t say that we get much heavy snow here. The last time it was very fine and stuck to the trees which looked good in the winter sunshine. I quite enjoyed walking through the local park in a pair of wellies to see if the lake was frozen over. A couple of times I also walked three and a half miles to work as the traffic was all snarled up. What I don’t like is when it freezes over night and the icy pavements get polished by other people slipping and sliding over it.