Let it snow!

I don’t know about you lot but I’m keeping my fingers crossed (big time) for a white Christmas :snowman:
In fact I’d be more than happy for snow before then .
I do love getting out into the woods and and feeling the crunch of freshly fallen snow beneath my feet and the wonderful sights of nature bedecked in frosty white.

Not to mention roast chestnuts and mulled wine and ale!



Does it usually snow in October where you are? I hope you get the snow you want.

I’ll pass on snow here. If it snows here enough to walk in it, hell would have frozen over or something. I’m good with no snow.

When I’ve been in places where it snowed on Christmas, I was always happy to leave them with the clean up when it started to melt.

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Good morning Butterscotch,
Nope, it doesn’t usually snow in October where I am, too far south. But we’re hurtling towards November so I live in hope, I appreciate snow isn’t everyone’s idea of fun but I love it…it has a certain feel good factor.

All the kids will be out enjoying it and if it’s a fairly long cold snap you’ll be lucky to find a sledge left on the shelves of the toy shops :slightly_smiling_face::snowflake:

Snow is lovely especially the first fall makes everything pristine and silent like a new world .


Excatly! :snowflake:

we sometimes get Snow in November , it might be better than all this Rain we getting at the moment , and Snowy photos do look nice .

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Lets just stick to photos and memories hey.


Nah… let’s not! :wink:

Snow is for lockdowns!!

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Roasting Chestnuts by the fire does not pay massively inflated energy bills :smiley:

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I hate the Winter and all it’s foul weather, with every fibre of my being.


Snow is a wonderful thing provided you don’t have to go out in it.


I do not like Winter snow, but it can be better than constant rain, (at present & getting worse), snow is pretty. We don’t get it often enough here. No frozen ice for me though, just snow that melts fast.

2018, not had snow like that since.



I love the picture Tiffany… I’ve had to turn the heating up just looking at it :wink:

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I haven’t seen snow since I lived in Brixton in the early 1970s when it snowed at Easter. If I never see snow again I will die happy, any temperature below double figures is too cold for me…

Actually come to think of it that’s not quite true, about a decade ago my daughter did take me and a foreign visitor to the Snowies for a day trip for the visitor to see snow. I stayed in the pub while they wandered about in the cold.

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I remember that Bruce, I’m not sure but I think it was about 73.

Yes, but I suppose the winters in your part of Scotland are particularly harsh Rox. My family in Glasgow love it, skiing in Aviemore or Glen Coe at the drop of a hat :slightly_smiling_face::snowflake:

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You’ve conjured up such a fabulous image and I feel precisely the same way about the classicality of Christmas and the lead-up to it. The only difference is…no going out. I’m allergic to freezing coldness - I break out in shivers, shudders and leaky eyes and ears! I’ll just settle for the scenic content in the great Christmas movies!

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