Leisurely Scribbles (part 5) (Part 1)


The Old Dangle Wrangle.

“A man in China was left dangling from a bridge after its glass panels were damaged in high wind”. BBC news.

I don’t care what anyone says but that man is definitely not “dangling” from that bridge, he’s clinging to the safety rails whilst sitting on a surviving glass panel.

It’s clear to anyone looking at that picture that there is no cliff- hanging dramatic “dangling” going on.

If a picture was not provided and one was reading or hearing that story one would conjure up a mental image of an unlucky Chinaman hanging on for dear life by his fingernails from a 330 ft. bridge

If the picture was taken after he climbed up from his “dangle” then they should say so, but no, they clearly state he “was LEFT dangling”, if indeed he ever was dangling in the first place, perhaps he felt the glass beneath him move and he immediately grabbed the rail never to have dangled at all?

As that great man of words might put it:

“Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to dangle through outrageous fortune, or to take your arms up against a bridge of troubles”

Did he dangle or did he not, that is the question.

Dictionary: DANGLE
“To hang or swing loosely.

God only knows I made enough pendants in me day to know what a good dangle is, them was the real swinging loosely times.

In no way is that fellow hanging or swinging loosely, he’s as stiff as a stone and firmly grasping the rails.

I rest my case your honour, dang me, dang me, they outta get a rope and hang me, hang me from the highest tree, and woman don’t you weep for me, did dit dit do do, as the bould Roger Miller sang. :lol:

When the aliens finally arrive, we may all klingon for dear life.:lol::lol::wink:

I think ya might be danglin from a thread of a story there Jem? - don’t you realize that “to dangle” is interpreted in many different ways around the globe - there is the usa version Bo Dangles that comes to mind of course l and Wild Bill Dangles - caught danglin from a speeding stagecoach - yes? and then the great british snoop Sherlock Wangle Holmes - god there must be a dangle story throughout the globe - and there was i danglin from me globe in fact!

there once was a chinaman wangles
who’s favorite fun was to dangles
who would oft spy a bridge and deliberately fib
and exclaim " didn’t touch it - the wind made it dangle"?

Jem I was told by a certain gentleman on my travels around Oz that this was a very lively; bubbling inferno of activity and comments with steam coming out of the nostrils sometimes? - and a few damsels to flirt with? - has something happened along the way? it seems awfully quiet at the moment like the swagman sitting at the billabong?

I’m afraid you have been misinformed Bret, there’s never much excitement going on here, just a few old lads nattering away about nothing.
Try the political threads, that will give you plenty of action and slagging.:smiley:

There’s a kind of unwritten code here, the scribblers only scribble when they feel like scribbling, hence the title “Leisurely Scribbles” leisure being the operative word.;-):smiley:

We thonk you for your kind understanding Sir.:lol:

That’s the Nub of the matter, never trust a certain gentleman’s opinion, there is definitely something bubbling round here, but in fairness, it does tend to manifest itself out back.

well I’ll been cursed with a sprarrows fart then and now I feel like Clancy from the overflow - overflowing with nuffin! - and there iz gentlemen and gentlemen - beware of gentlemen with forked tongue heh - and them who build motorbikes in front room heh?

and them with badgers in their belfrey? I was saying to be old mate rabbinic O’toole the other day that them here brits don’t know if they’ze cummin or goin - thank god we’ve got the Irish to knock a bit of sense into them. It seems as if all the good old practices and values are falling away with nothing to replace them just idjits - 65 million of yuz and nowhere to go heh - well apart from Benidorm for ya hols instead of skegnesse?

I remember years ago takin the brood on a campin holiday along the south coast down there - the bloody campsites were choker block - had to fight to pitch ya tent - them were the loyal days - stayed and paid for queen and country. Now yuz all pourin ya money into the flesh pots of foreign climes. Yuz need a new catch phrase “Lets make britain great again” - spend at home not in rome?

Don’t get me started, spent decades keeping the home fires burning, stayed wiv the Blight (unlike some others), time to observe the dictate playing out.

my apologizes spitty - the hrs I have spent around a campfire on the trail with me old mate xxxx - who waxed lyrical about the antics of a certain Paul or is that Saul from biblical times from War wick shhhh!! building some sorta glass covered shed - I can hear the sound of the jackhammer now as we speak! He sends his best wishes and just wishes he could be wiv ya know as we speak? and him with the forked tongue -

You know me, fawks don’t matter, as long as you have the measure of the median.

You know what I mean.

you always were a bit of a comedian me mates says and now we’ve jut come to a fawk in the road and i must bid him adieu - too much talk about adieus at the moment on this site?

Apologies for my tardiness and absence. I brung a note from The Chancellor of the Handbag excusing me from PE if you need it for your records.

Speaking of records, they seem to be making a small come back. Gone are the days though when you would go down the music shop and ask to listen to a particular singist or tunist. You would be set up in a booth with earphones and then the shop chappy or chappess would play said choon and direct it by the wonders of sound through wuzzy-pipes direct to your lug’oles.

Now you can download it using the interwebular to get sound without electric string. I tell you, these computers will never catch on.

I remember a story of a Scotsman returning from foreign abroad being asked by a Customs Ossifer, “Do you have any pornography in your luggage?” it being illegal at the time.
“Nay laddie,” came the response, “I have nay use for it. I dinna have a pornograph to play them on.”

Ho Hp HO - wherever you’ve been has improved ya metal - someone told me there was a lot of metal on here at one time - anyone got a geigher watsy thingy to loan and I’ll try and find some more?

I don’t think the ozzies have been particularly original with funny tales - they’ve relied on the brits a lot - what is a brita worth? oh about the same as a britalot depends if you wannit with wrapping?

now Mr fruity is there not a bit of tidyin up to do in ya badger garden? - and some tips about pet badgers I came across recently:


not advised - I think I have some spells that may disperse them?

Our family tree is a little convoluted due to adoptions. Our youngest son’s half-brother’s mother, who would technically have been our son’s stepmother, died suddenly last week, “whilst the balance of her mind was disturbed.”

I didn’t know her well, but she was a decent enough lady, and our son was upset and needed our support.

I have no intention of taking on any more pets, let alone wild aminals wot can give a nasty bite.

Spells is it? He’s a Witch! Fetch the pitchfork, Mabel. :lol:

When I was a little lad living in Lincolnshire, spells was the name given to the wooden spindles of a chair. I have never come across the word used in that context anywhere else.
We also had “Sand-shoes” or “Daps” for doing PE. Again they’re not words I’ve ever come across in common use.

Up in Lincs a small stream was called a Beck, but down here on the Riviera they are called Rhynes. It’s no wonder that vurriners have trouble with the English language.

well condolences to you and yours Mr Fruitcake - we wondered where you woz? and wez have a similar problem over here when wez talkin to the tourists - they ask for directions and finish up in Timbuktu! haha

well things are hummin along here today - just finished watching - clint eastwoods what he said would be his last made fillum “unforgiven” - wot a corky of the best of old style westerns with him starring as the gun shooter and also staring Richard Harris with english accent ; Gene hackman - steely as they come and Morgan Freeman always a good guy to have on your side

Yes would definitely recommend a looky see of that one - here’s a small clip to wet all yuz appetites true blues!

happy viewer lads and lasses!

Very amusing posts Fruity always a pleasure to read.:wink:

What about ‘dizzy spells’ ?, I nearly had one once.

When Diana Dors was in her prime she was in Dublin doing a stint on a TV chat show. I was always a fan of hers, she was to me the next best thing to my idol Marlyn Monroe.
Strictly going on looks, when one is a young red blooded man, he couldn’t care less if a good looking bird had straw for brains, one is not interested in their brains at that age.
It was on a Saturday night and I had just finished working late at 10.30 pm.

The boss asked me out for a drink and we ended up in a pub in Donnybrook near the national TV station.

When we walked in there was Miss Dors sitting on a high stool at the bar chatting to the barman, I felt me heart flutter and nearly had a dizzy spell, Diana Dors in the flesh!.
She looked absolutely gorgeous, a red mini skirt on and her legs were crossed as she blew smoke rings from a long holdered cigarette.
Oh God!, even saying Diana Dors and flesh in the same sentence was enough to bring on a swoon, what a woman! Rest her soul.

Yes that was a good film Bret, Harris was “English Bob”, speaking with the accent or Jacob Grease Moggie, but he doesn’t do it as good as Peter O’Toole, O’Toole is a genius at the toff accent.:wink:

It’s understandable really when you consider the very first people, Adam and Eve, were Irish.
When they first saw each other Adam took one look at Eve and said “O’Hare!”, then she looked at him and said “O’Toole!”. :slight_smile:

The rest is history, we’ve been everywhere since, even in outer space we have Mooneys and Maher’s (pronounced ‘Mars”). :smiley:

We are very liberal in Ireland these days, we have gay parades and festivals regularly, we even have an interchangeable gay couple namely Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael, they are also musicians calling themselves “The Double Adapters”;-):slight_smile:


well I remember FV alright heart throb of the late 50 perhaps - the women - well some women went crazy for him. The trouble about the garden of eden was the woman was walkin about with no clothes on - pity had to tame down his video thingy. those women there wouldn’t boil up a billycan before dawn was up! burt I can remember old frankie before elvis and the beatles appeared on the scene.

but I still reckon Matt Munroe and your fella Val Donnigan had the edge on him.

well I’m stoppin off at a mates place along the trail and we sit out on the verandah in the evening with the billy aboil and me pickin ticks of his dogs back. Have ya ever had the pleasure? - there’s a certain way of pullin em. If ya pull too hard the body seperated from the head and the head stays in and grows another body! then if you squeeze too hard as ya pulling the body bursts and you and the dog get squirted with tic blood - bloody messy business and ya wouldn’t wanna be scratchin ya head much whilst ya at it either!

wash ya hands in dettol - so the method is a steady pull - even pressure and it comes out easily and once ya put it down it starts crawlin off agin!

well someone as gotta do the bloody job! tickety boo I say! I see they’re marchin in London about summat Jem anything happen in Dublin?


bloody hell Jem it worked! - used to be there every sat arvo in my younger days - ya were lucky ta get a table too - drinks and good food.


here’s another historic in the mining town [gold that is] of Kalgoolie - took 12 hrs to drive there or 2 to fly o depending what the job was - work then flying pleasure then driving - two up was played regular and the ladies of the night were always available? and the occasional fight could easily break out there big beefy miners with a belly of beer in 'em and both headin for the same girl!