the concept of youngsters leaving home exemplified in the Beatles song "“She’s Leaving Home”
In the middle east, tribes nomadic or otherwise often just make larger houses for the growing family of sons and their wives as did the far eastern countries - this is a concept of we all stick together through thick and thin. the larger family is IMO richer for it both financially and socially.
Having left home myself at 18 from the north of England, headed south to the home counties there was of course a sense of excitement and challenge and I could say since then “I have never looked back” - but was it after all a good thing. my sister and brother did the same thing a few years later and left my parents feeling sad and lonely. was it really necessary or a good thing for us all?
When I was young I spent a lot of my time avoiding being thrashed so I was delighted to leave home at 18 and never return, except for short visits. My life really started when I met Barb who is both a mistress and a mother to me. We live 200 miles from our boys. They know where to find us if they want us but I believe everyone should live their own lives without parental interference.
I developed a very bad crick in me neck when I was 15, I have never looked back since.
Ah luck, I’ve always wondered what exactly luck is. Are we born with luck? can we learn to be lucky? is it a gift like a perfect singing voice or the ability to create a great work of art?
I actually know a man who is very lucky at winning money by backing horses and greyhounds, of course he sometimes loses but he wins more times than he loses and has managed to make a very good living from it. On the other hand I know a family who seemed to be cursed all their lives with trouble and death. four daughters and every one of them had to be married, two sons in and out of prison all their lives, the father died from cancer of the throat then one year later his wife died of the same thing, neither of them ever smoked, I could go on about the daughters children’s mishaps, but you get the idea, nothing but misery all the time.
Then you have the “It’s an ill wind” type of luck, someones favourite aunt dies and leaves all her estate to them, they are sorry to see the old dear kick the bucket but delighted to get all the lolly.
Not forgetting the “Poor unfortunate bastard” kind of luck when someone is walking down the street and a heavy metal lampshade from a street lamp falls on their head and kills them, I knew of such a person, God rest him.
Whatever luck is you cannot buy it, sell it, or leave it in your will, so if you have it more luck to you, and if you haven’t then it’s just too bad.
Jem, I think we are born lucky, I could quote so many things here where I have been very lucky. I have won many prizes and found money in strange places, like being hit in the face by a twenty pound note when walking along in the swirling dead leaves in the park or finding a diamond ring in a frozen food case in Sainsbury’s ( I handed this to the store manager and the women who had lost it cried with relief in front of me ).
I also found a gold necklace on the beach just by bending over and puting my hand down into the sand. The couple had been looking for it for two hours before I turned up. Shall I bother to continue, I think you get the message. It has been said that I live a charmed life, I don’t know about that ! But I did win £25.00 on the lottery last night, it was just luck !
I’ve seen this ad many years ago and just wondered did he ever go and get back and did the fella that went with him get paid, if he did how much? if he didn’t did he sue the advertiser or just shoot him with one of the weapons, what type of weapons did they bring and did they take food with them? Was the advertiser a man or a woman? If it was not a joke why was I laughing when I first saw it? Where did they land and what year did they land in, did they bring back anything from that time, if so what was it? Anyone know? The fact that he’s done this before implies he/she liked it and wants to go again, did they go to the same place again?
I used to be a copper, I’m finding it hard to settle back into normal society.
Maybe he/she wanted to go back and settle scores, I have a couple of scores to settle but would rather settle them in Real Time, based on the assumption that the adversaries are now in worse physical nick than I am.
I was talkin to an old adversary the other day and we got into our usual ding dong battle when he decided to throw a punch which I could see coming a mile off - but I thought NO - turn the other cheek - so I did and his fist and arm slid straight past me and he landed in the mud behind. Had to help the old fellow up - so there it really does work.
and then I remembered the other saying “vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord” - never really understood that one until the other day when I was having another ding dong - and I was becoming heated and vengeful when I remembered so took a few deep breathes and stood and relaxed - my opponent continued blowing steam and fainted with a stroke - I was calm enough to call an ambulance and save his life - the Lord dealt with the vengeance on both sides methinks. I think love thine enemies fits in there somewhere too!
I used to have a good friend - an ex-nun and when I visited I would sometimes find her standing on a large bible. what are you doing I once asked “I am standing on the word of God” couldn’t fault that one!
A lot of thought and centuries of experience went into these old sayings Gumbud, they weren’t just picked willy nilly out of the air to suit the sayer as some people would think. Putting religion aside and looking at them as historical text I think there are good life lessons to be learned in them. Take the one about the scandal giver.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven. And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me. But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.–Matt 18: 4 - 6
'hmm I’ve just re-thought that one Pugs - the answer is not Yes but NO - there will be a movement of what you call pressure waves but unless there is a receptacle like say an ear drum or tape-recorder to collect those waves and turn them into sound then the wave will still exist but NOT the sound - been thinkin about that for some time and some sound!