Learn something new about family

I was reading my birth certificate yesterday
I was born in 1962.
My parents were married in1962. 2 months after I was born.
Plus they had 3 children before I came along.
4 children before they got married.
Plus two babies died very early
Why has it taken me this long to realise this?
I must have read this document at least a dozen times but only now understood what is written.
Wonders will never cease.

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My BH’s first name and the first names of both parents which appear on her birth certificate are not the names they go by today.Get’s a bit confusing when anything official is needed to sign.

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I learnt my Dad was on the ship The Cape Palliser during the war, WWII that is, in the Russian convoys. He nearly got swept overboard in a storm, but grabbing a dead body lashed to the deck saved him.
The ship had picked up bodies from the sea after a strike by German bombers, which hit several ships in the fleet on their way to Russia, he never said much about that time, but that has always stayed with me.

Cape Palliser

Dad said the ship was so small the Germans couldn’t see it among the larger ships.

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Not that unusual, one of my grandchildren attended his parent’s wedding.

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It’s not unusual my own grandson attended his pareants wedding .
I still think it’s bizarre though .
Why bother with all that show when you have been together for years already ?

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It seems we have to accept that there will be some blank spots remaining on the map of our parents’ lives. My mother was almost forty when she gave birth to my twin brother and me. My father (I can’t call him dad) was 13 years older and died when we were 13 y.o. Although my mother lived long enough to be able to answer all the questions we had at a mature age, her answers were often unsatisfactory. I wasn’t sure if she was being evasive or really couldn’t remember. She might also have felt uncomfortable with some questions and I didn’t want to invade her privacy. In my memories I tried to do better,though.

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That’s the problem Bretrick, sometimes a certificate ain’t worth the paper its written on.

But generally it is .
Without a birth certificate you have endless trouble .
When you have a child they least you can do for it is to make it clear the circumstances of it birth otherwise in years to come you may cause them trouble and grief .

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A lot of trouble and grief can be caused for subsequent generations irrespective of any certificates.

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