Leaders Debate

Last night her indoors wanted to watch the debate on BBC, while I wanted to watch the Euro game on ITV, The Netherlands v Austria, both on at the same time. Guess who won! I was in the other room, when I heard loads of shouting and bawling. “What the hell is that I said!?” “Oh it’s just Starmer & Sunak going at it” Right telly off, none of us is watching anything. My choice was probably a boring football match I thought. No it was not, a real humdinger! In future, one is either going to get a second TV, or have a extremely large hissy fit!! :rage: :rage: :rage:

Invest in Netflix, watch it on your laptop, get a Bluetooth speaker:

I don’t want football or politics.

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Where don’t you want it? On TV, or in your life altogether?

I’m trying to avoid the politics right now too…a tad difficult since its all over the place, including flyers through the letterbox


I was referring to on TV, but now you mention it …

All the free to air channels in Oz are broadcasting the Biden/Trump debate live this morning. Don’t know why, we aren’t voting, they must think it is a ratings winner.

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Perhaps they can persuade him to step down, the drovers dog could beat Trump if they had a decent candidate. The choice between two old men is no choice.

NY Times said he was a big embarrassment, wasn’t making any sense. And Biden was worse.

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I’d prefer to open my door to The Jehovah’s Witnesses rather than engage with so called politicians…

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real or fake video?

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