Latest flight news

Just heard that due to present circumstances with industrial action and fuel shortages major airlines are not flying their larger aircraft.
Now they intend to fly smaller 100 seat max aircraft so they use less fuel and also due to staffing problems and cabin crew due to lightening load cannot be over 5 ft tall. Baggage for the same reason can now only be carry on luggage.
This is to enable the smaller aircraft to fly further without stopping to refuel. For longer flights now will have to be in short hops from one airport to another
Passangers therefore are asked to help by only booking short haul flight for the forseeable future
This will also ease the work load of passport control officers at major airports.

Is there an age limit?
A good way of lightening the load would be to get rid of the seats and install straps(like the Tube)

Cabin crew being under 5 foot height brings a whole new meaning to a “short haul flight” :rofl:


Is this a early April fools ?
I don’t know anyone 5ft and under !
I consider myself short at almost 5ft.6

Genesis in a song called Get em out by Friday declared this:

This is an announcement from Genetic Control
It is my sad duty to inform you of a four foot restriction on
Humanoid height

I hear the directors of Genetic Control have been buying all the
Properties that have recently been sold, taking risks oh so bold
It’s said now that people will be shorter in height
They can fit twice as many in the same building site
They say it’s alright
Beginning with the tenants of the town of Harlow
In the interest of humanity, they’ve been told they must go

Most cabin crew have to be 5’ or taller as they must be able to reach all the safety equipment which can be in excess of 6 feet.

This table is in a Cabin Crew forum. Are you tall enough to be Cabin Crew? | Cabin Crew Wings

If you are under 5 feet then becoming cabin crew on a smaller private jet such as Lear or Cessna citation jet where the cabin height is barely 6 foot can be an advantage, the Embraer Phenom 300 cabin height is 4’11" so boarding and exiting is a bit of a pain for most. Only 6-7 seats though so not many have cabin crew but the odd owner or charter company will employ 1 or 2.

Hobbits maybe but they have very big feet for such narrow aisles.

I’m 5.6 and a half…much taller than you :slight_smile:

Stop boasting about your half inch …sob sob :wink:
Young women today at a 5.8, 5.9 + how fabulous to reach the highest supermarket shelf

Smashing photo summer

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The mid range turbo-prop aircraft always were the most fuel efficient :+1:

have no fear the planes are being fitted with an engine backup system . Brand new idea mainly as a tryout. If the engines fail a huge sail explodes fron the undercarrage to blow the aircraft along

If it was a money saving issue, surely, it would be weight that was more important than height?
“No fat people will be considered for flight crew, only those weighing less than 10 stones”