Last Chance Kitchen (cooking competition show with spoilers for Top Chef)

Last Chance Kitchen is an adjunct show to one of my favorite shows, Top Chef.

As the chefs from Top Chef are eliminated, they get a chance to get back in the competition by cooking head to head with the previous person that was eliminated. The last person standing gets to get back in to the competition.

If you’re watching Top Chef, these will be spoilers because it will tell you who already got eliminated. If you don’t want to be spoilered for Top Chef, you might want to stop reading here.

These episodes of Last Chance Kitchen are on youtube. These start on season 13.

[based on a couple responses, this video is not available in the UK]

Unfortunately this video is not available in my country (UK)

….ditto Bathsheba.

Thanks. I’ll add that info to the OP.

Finished watching season 13 of Last Chance Kitchen. One chef had a really long run that was sort of fun to watch. They don’t show who won at the finale, but I’ve already watched Top Chef so I know who got back into the competition.

Because the competitions are really quick, many less than 20 minutes and they still cut out a lot, it’s pretty fun to watch.

There was a challenge where the chefs had to come up with 2 dishes they could cook from a table full of ingredients that they had to name in 20 seconds. Then they had 20 minutes to cook the dish.

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It sounds like just my sort of thing, it’s a shame we can’t get it here :frowning: