LadyBird Books for Adult

Ive been given 3 books for Mothers Day amongs other things and one is a Ladybird book ,called The People Next Door , its in big print and set out like the Childrens LB Books with writing on one page and picture on opposite…

Its a quick read but a very funny take on neighbours .:lol:

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I was reading the one for swingers at work the other night, nearly peed myself laughing :mrgreen:

I can see me buying more of these , a couple appeal to me from the Titles alone .

That Woman at Number 37
The Caravan That Hasn’t Moved For Years

Is the price still half a crown?

No Omah its £6.99!!

I’ve got the one about The Art Gallery
It’s hilarious
I tried to read it out to my offspring at Christmas last year and couldn’t finish any page aloud for being in stitches :044:

I’ll have to save up my pocket money to get one then … :069:

They’re excellent, aren’t they?

We have ‘The Wife’ and ‘The Husband’.

We can each see just how accurate these are when we look at each other!

I’d like to get this one next:

Ha! JBR that looks like a good one!!

Don’t forget the Ladybird Book for the Zombie Apocalypse.

Oh I’ve seen that one! !!!