La plata train station in USA

Just been watching trains in the USA and one of the stations is La Plata .Three women taking very little notice one actually facing away from the train. So the train pulls in to the station ,people get off and others (about 3 or 4) get on and the train pulls away. Now the women looked for the person they are supposed to meet and they didn’t get off.
Panic ,having taken no notice while the train was at the station, and then had a go at the station master. He told them the next stop was FT Madison 2.15 hours away by car. Maybe it is just me but I have noticed on several occasions some Americans just don’t seem to be “with it” at a critical time, at least to do with railways. What I don’t understand is why they didn’t talk to the train guard as soon as they saw the person wasn’t getting off.

There is a medical name for a communication problem, these Ladies will be gratified, once they know this.