Runners in this year’s Ironman Australia triathlon at Port Macquarie got a surprise as they made their way through the challenging final leg on the New South Wales Mid North Coast.
A male koala, known to inhabit the area, made its way straight across the course in front of runners and towards a gum tree.
The moment was captured on camera by local resident Jason Hannah, who lives near the triathlon course.
He said the koala, which he calls Big Boy, was familiar to him.
“He lives behind our place, so we see him every day, he goes over there every couple of days and sits in the gum trees on the riverside,” he said.
"He walks around like he owns the joint.
“Everybody leaves him alone, they let him do his own thing … he’s one of the residents, really.”
Link to trusted ABC - Australia online news site. - Video included
They are such gorgeous little creatures, it’s really heartbreaking reading about their habitat loss.
Really is heartbreaking.
The disgraceful thing is developers have the Governments ear. They mostly get what want.
Destroy the Koalas habitat. Development is more important than Koalas. That is the mantra they live by.
So sad, I imagine there must be many protests going on regarding this tragedy.
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My now Late Uncle Leslie who with my late Aunty Betty moved to Australia in the 50’s…
One present they sent over to my Sister and myself was a toy Koala each …can see it now just don’t know what happened to them…My Mother who was not very nice really, so likely trashed them like she did my Wedding Gown and many of my possessions’ when we moved out having got married…whoops wandering again…
There are plenty of protests but to no effect.
The Koalas only food source, the Eucalyptus trees are being felled all over Eastern Australia.
Government say there are safeguards, does not stop the trees from being bulldozed. 
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Have heard about these Drop Bears you lot have.
Bit scary to say the least. 
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They are pretty terrifying but technology is catching up with them
Drop bears (Thylarctos plummetus) are a species of carnivorous Australian marsupial, renowned for preying on tourists in the bush. Infamous for their mode of attack, new technology is now shedding light on their distribution, population and behaviour.
Drop bears spend most of their time in treetops. They hunt by ambushing ground-dwelling animals (mainly medium to large mammals) from above, skilfully latching onto the victim’s neck to kill the prey. Quietly waiting in a tree for several hours, the drop bear closely resembles a sleeping koala.