Kiwis Ban Smoking for anyone born after 2009

I was a heavy one, but never believed the nicotine thing, when stressed having something to do with your hands and taking deep breaths were the addiction.

So societies where alcohol is prohibited / illegal have no domestic violence, abuse, brawls and street urination?

Is chocolate also public enemy number one?

Well agree to disagree on this one Spitty. Bottom line is that we’ve stopped doing it now.

Not every town .
And with the growing price of just about everything less people will be able to afford to go out drinking .

Most Arab countries which are dry are full of chain smokers.

That’s right Dex, my addiction would have been similar to a modern day Vaper, no nicotine in there but, I would haste, some dedicated Vapers would have a mini panic, if they could not locate their device.

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Smoking is stress release for those with an oral fixation.

Is that what you think I was saying Dex?
I do hope you are not putting words in my mouth…

You obviously haven’t read, digested, and absorbed the point I was trying to make Dex…

Not at all Foxy. Not sure what other interpretation there is of this:

I read this:

Nothing in there about it being for the general good of public health and wellbeing, :man_shrugging:

The opening link states that people who were born after 1st January 2009 will not be allowed to purchase tobacco for life…Eventually nobody will be allowed to buy tobacco and all tobacconists will go out of business. How long before alcohol is also banned? And the covid vaccine will become mandatory? (if it isn’t already) In my opinion the New Zealand government are wildly exceeding their remit.

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As we all know, laws can be rewritten and even repealed. The intention may be a permanent cessation being rolled out, but it doesn’t mean it’ll deffo happen if the public insist otherwise somewhere down the line.

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And yet all the evidence points to the opposite being true. Didn’t pubs only open at lunch time and for restricted times in the evening? In Australia pubs closed at 6pm. Now they are allowed to open any hours they like, hardly an indication they are about to be banned.

I don’t know where you get your ideas from but they seem to based entirely on fantasy rather than any evidence.

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Yes, I know.
If the youngsters never start smoking in the first place, why would they ever want to buy tobacco?

If tobacco was discovered for the first time nowadays, and all the damaging effects of it on health were already known, it would probably be a banned or controlled substance, just as many other drugs are.

As for tobacconists going out of business - is there any old-fashioned tobacconist shops left? Even in my old-fashioned local market towns, the tobacconists have all gone. People buy their cigarettes from the supermarkets and the supermarkets have plenty of other strings to their bow.

As for the big tobacco companies who produce and package cigarettes and tobacco , I think they have a lot to answer for - they have made their immoral profits for far too long at the expense of our health - there is evidence that they knew about some of the harmful effects of using tobacco long before the general public did, yet they deliberately kept it under wraps and continued to advertise and promote tobacco smoking as something “good” , “cool”, “relaxing”, all in the interests of company profits.

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Yes you are probably correct about tobacconists boot, the supermarkets are about the only place to buy cigarettes, all the shops have turned into vape stores, tattoo parlours, or Turkish barbers shops.
However, just because a substance is banned doesn’t mean that kids won’t get hooked.
The marijuana business is alive and doing well in these parts, probably in your neck of the woods also.
The tax on tobacco has been the mainstay of the NHS and other useful community amenities since the beginning of time…Well, ever since sir Walter Raleigh passed the fags around the palace.

You’ve just got no vision Bruce… :009:

That, and the savings from not having to pay pensions to those dying younger than needs be through smoking related ailments.

My guess is there is an optimum number of smokers (and related tax income) separating when it is profitable overall or not. Perhaps the NZ govt policy is based on reaching that threshold level?

Agreed. I raised that same point in my original post, too - but I also think restricting the next generation’s access to tobacco products will help break the cycle and greatly reduce the number of youngsters taking up the smoking habit.


Sneaky. :laughing:

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