Kidnapped Girl Rescued After Using TikTok Hand Gesture To Signal For Help

A 16 year old girl was rescued from a 61 year old man when the girl used the tik tok hand gesture to signal other drivers of her distress. A driver saw the sign, called the police, and the police surrounded the kidnapper’s car.


I saw this…its lucky the person knew about the hand signal, as so many people don’t. They also don’t know about the “Asking for Angela” either. Glad the girl got rescued!


@butterscotch @PixieKnuckles See this is why I never had kids. I couldn’t have afforded the armed guards. Would have definitely bought them one of these. (bulletproof vest).


Aww Danny…yes, its hard trying to protect kids sometimes. A couple of Kangols would be cheaper than armed guards though :joy:


@PixieKnuckles No definitely armed guards for the boys. :worried:
Don’t have to worry about the girls, just home school until they are 21. Then they can go out with armed guards.

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I’ve never heard of this hand gesture either, Pixie.
This short of thing, along with the ‘Asking Angela’ words, should be publicised again and again all over the media.
It would be a good idea to replace some of the stupid, repetitive adverts on telly every night with these help signals too.

This hand signal for help by not only girls but women has been around for awhile here in the states. It is worth showing to others over again, and to remind us of what to look for in a vehicle, or store or on the street whenever we see a girl who seems uncomfortable with whoever she’s with. It has helped to rescue several in my own state.

But where does she put her gun?

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I didn’t know that there was such a signal or what it is. I will have to watch the video.

Power to the people, it very close to the symbol of the Totting Popular Front.