Katie Hopkins Told to Bugger Off

Its in the title of the clip.

Just to remind you in case you missed it.

“Woke Lefties DISASTEROUS Week Katie Hopkins WINS £200,000 Rashford Hypocrisy Exposed”

As you said!

But Galty who gives a man-poo about Katie ( apart from she)? I guess if you have a you tube following you have to fill it with dross in order to regularly fill some internet presence.

I don’t understand why e scooters are anything political. I don’t know how much they cost but all sorts of nobs have them.

She succeeds and also on radio and TV.

E-scooters? Low cost low running cost form of transport as an alternative or just an adjunct to a car especially in towns and cities.

Also to cause people to realise that there is no need for a car in many cases. Call it social engineering or whatever if it reduces pollution it’s a GOOD thing.

e scooters are stupid and dangerous. People riding them don’t even wear a crash helmet (idiots). They and cycles should all have a licence plate. 20mph zones and low traffic schemes should all be banned. Stupidity by town planning pro cycling zealots.

Well as it is the thread title some do one way or the other

But they’re FUN! That apart they are much much less polluting than even small cars and in towns and cities are ideal for short journeys and an increasing number of people using them do wear skid-lids. As for 20mph zones and traffic calming – GREAT! Not just for cyclists though that would be good enough reason in itself but also to limit pollution in crowded cities and towns. Annie, it’s a changing world. Care for and protection of OUR environment MUST take precedence and WILL result in quite major changes as we create the new normal.

Sorry but when there is a wildfire the size of Belgium raging in Siberia destroying the permafrost I see no impact of these gestures that pander to the anti car zealots. We should be looking at plastic pollution and ensuring that packaging is both biodegradable and doesn’t harm wildlife.

But the e scooter idiots are just putting their own lives and the lives of pedestrians in danger. They are not carbon neutral or environmentally holier than thou. Just illegally riding in areas that don’t even have an official rental scheme PLUS all vehicles using a public highway should be registered and display a reg plate so that they can be traced. Easy for an e scooter to rob someone and anonymously ride off.

If we are moving to electric cars we should not need to close any roads or create mad crazy 20mph zones anywhere aside from school, hospital or playground roads. The road signs are super confusing and there is zero consultation on all this.

Consultancy? Why should there be? In any case most folk would probably (foolishly and selfishly) be opposed to the essential ecological measures being introduced. As for “Whataboutery” - that is a shameful excuse to do nothing. Sorry lady, you and your fellow travelers are “out of time”.

E- scooters ARE pollution free though producing the electricity to charge them just as all electric generation is a different matter though zero polluting generation sources are increasing week by week.

It’s a changing world. Accept the changes — or get out of the way.

That’s rubbish, the problem with this is that this policy is a complete shambles and that’s because there has been no consultation.

E scooters are on trial in several parts of the UK but the vast majority of users are doing so illegally as only specified areas/rented scooters are legal.

They should all carry a reg plate as should cycles. You’ve totally ignored that point and also the fact that they are super dangerous to those using them and pedestrians.

Perhaps you think we should go back to horse and cart? We have however many tonne lorries carrying our supplies and post and you are worried about car users who may well be using electric vehicles (and will have to soon). There’s just no logic in the points you make. You have ignored totally the massive fire in Siberia.

Why should there be consultation? Most people would say no but that must not be allowed. Environmental protection and clear up is simply too essential.

As for natural produced pollution that we can not (yet) address — that just increases the need to address what we can address just as everyone must do what they can even if some other countries are dragging their feet.

A wildfire in Siberia the size of Belgium is not “natural pollution”. Why should we not have consultation? I thought you were pro democracy or is that just cherry picked democracy?

What about illegal usage (most) and licensing?

I’m very much pro democracy but there has to be limits and when the future of mankind is involved, and in this case it really IS that serious, then democracy MUST be replaced by international diktat.

As for the wildfires in Eastern Siberia, actually it IS natural pollution. No doubt started by lightning just as most similar American and Canadian things obviously it was not as a direct result of some immediate act by mankind though anthropogenic climate change no doubt is increasing the frequency and intensity of such awful things happening.

Doesn’t this all conflict with your belief in self interest?

As for siberia, nobody knows and it’s all a theory. But whether it’s man made or “natural” what we are doing are token gestures when something like that happens.

We are wasting our time because the UK is not the main source of pollution. Although we do have high demand for finished goods.

As mentioned we should definitely change our relationship with packaging. We are building more instead of less though. E scooters? what difference do these make? People who would have walked are now charging these things. You don’t launch such change without consultation unless you have no brain cells engaged.

But I did think you once said you have a gas guzzler yourself? Which was some sort of self indulgent thing.

For God’s sake, Todger, just go and put out that fire in Siberia and let’s have an end to this bickering. :018:


Self interest? Not in the least. It’s very much in my interest and the interests of my family that pollution is reduced. Even out here in the depths of Constable Country we’ve seen the effects of pollution and it’s getting worse.

Man made / influenced climate change? Like so many things that are put down as being theory even on the Ballance of probability it’s an explanation/theory that is exceedingly well founded, much much more so than any other.

Token gesture? No such thing. EVERY reduction by EVERYONE makes a difference.

Not a major source of pollution? Whataboutery is no excuse for doing nothing.

High demand for finished goods? That demand is unsustainable. Recent legislation concerning mission life and repairability is a move down that road.

E-scooters? Increased use of them for short journeys rather than car or taxi will reduce pollution on the basis of kW/hr as well as removing a source of pollution from an already polluted environment.

Consultation? Too dangerous and would introduce delay.

My own car - we have two. My wife now has a hybrid Volvo XC something and yes, I have a bit of a beast that actually gives a better mpg than a Ford Anglia 1200! Costs a bleedin’ fortune to service but hey! You can’t have everything!

Whatever else you say, having a gas guzzler yourself makes you a hypocrite.

Was a Ford Anglia 105E 1200 a gas guzzler? Anyway you and I will never agree on this, and come to think about it on just about anything.

She’s incredibly confident though, I give that to her, I watched a little of her on big brother once.

Extremely knowledgeable, well educated I guess.

She’s the type that could make me feel “ thick”.

Aye no matter what the color of the skin or heritage we have no time for trouble makers so out they go! - border control we call it - and we have a great team of border collies to back us up too!