Reminds me of a joke but is not funny, The Police are way under staffed but try getting one when youve not got your seatbelt on !!
A man sees someone breaking into his shed. He calls police. They say they don’t have anyone available right now. They’ll be there as soon as they can, but it may be two hours. The man hangs up.
"A few minutes later he calls again and tells them to take their time. He’s pulled out his rifle and shot the man. He’s not going anywhere. Within minutes the place is swarming with police, helicopters, cars, dogs, etc. They find the man breaking into the shed and arrest him.
The police go to the man, “I thought you said you shot him!” The man responds “I thought you said you had no one available”
The crims probably got the normal sentence for the crime they committed (whether it is adequate is another matter) but running someone down with a motor vehicle is a very serious offence he could have been charged with attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon.
The law doesn’t differentiate between attacking someone with a motor vehicle or an iron bar and while everybody has the right to defend themselves they don’t have the right to seek out people and attack them.
It would be funny, if it weren’t so true though! So many times I have seen police ignoring things they consider to be too much paperwork in correlation to the crime, yet mention a weapon and the place is swarming with riot police and flak jackets
I think the home owner was speeding , missed the corner burst two
Tyres then careered into the bike which then hit a parked car and the home owner went into a parked van . Awful crash .
He must have been terrified the thugs might die hence a long sentence and his wife alone , they then chose to terminate second baby . How absolutely awful for two decent people .
My mum kept a lump hammer on the landing at the top of the stairs that she intended to hit any intruder on the head with as they came up. She said she’d drag the body outside and then deny all knowledge and she’d get away with it because she was 88
You think she was joking? You think she wouldn’t have done it when it came to the crunch? You really didn’t know my mum!