Just saying hello.

Just saying hello.

Off to explore the site now.

Hello Jeff :smiley: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you.

Hello Jeff…:039:

Hi Jeff :039: …welcome

Hi Jeff. Welcome. :smiley:

A very warm welcome to you Jeff, I look forward to seeing you around…:wink:

Hello Jeff :039: A warm welcome to you :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the welcome. :038:

Hello Jeff, a warm welcome to you!:smiley:

Hi Fogey,
It’s a real nice place. People here are so warm and helpful, I’m pretty new also.


Hello Jeff, nice to meet you - hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile:

Hi matey and welcome - from the ‘other’ Geoff.

Wow! Thank you all for the warm welcome.

Hi Jeff
A warm welcome to the forum.:039:

Do hope you stay and post.:039: