Hi one and all, I have had a quick look around you site as a guest and I like the look of it, seems very friendly.
I’m going to have a go at a post next, more of a question just hope I put it in the right section.
Looking forward to getting to know you all.
I am not sure if I tell you about me in this section or not so I see to this later on.
Hello Reggie welcome…
Hello Reggie, and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy posting on here and I am sure we would all like to hear more about you.
One thing I discovered is that you will often get a good argument here, if you want one, but if you have a problem or are feeling sad, then everybody will offer support.
Hello and welcome to the forum
Hi Reggie:039:
Enjoy yourself
Good afternoon Reg matey and welcome.
Hello Reggie, welcome to our forum, we are a friendly crowd on here.
Looking forward to your chats.
Welcome to the Forum reggie.
Great fun here, but do not mention Manflu, the ladies do not understand it.
Ignore Swimmy’s comment above, Reggie. Us ladies understand only too well, and have the men sussed - that is the true problem.
In the meantime, Hi - and welcome.
Hi Reggie. Swim is right about Manflu by the way. If you have ever suffered from it, please tell us as the ladies would love to hear about it.
I think it is a little early to introduce him to the Pillow squad, don’t you?
Hello and welcome from me too.
Hello Reggie a very warm welcome to Over50sForum …
Hello Reggie welcome