Just Joined

It’s a bit late at 84, sitting in the queue of life’s departure lounge but the forum looks good. Looking forward to read and contribute.

Aw don’t talk like that your here with us now John… Welcome you’ll have lots of fun on here with us :slight_smile:

Hello Frisbie and welcome. :039:

You’re never too old to make new friends, and I hope you find some here.

Hello John and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Hello John welcome :slight_smile: it’s never too late for a chat…

Hi Frisbie. Welcome to the site :slight_smile:

Hello John :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

A warm welcome to you.

Good afternoon John matey and welcome. I too am sitting in the waiting room. Our chariot will not long be delayed.

Hi Frisbie~


http://www.talkdelaware.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3906&d=1266000846 LOL

Hello John and a very warm welcome to the forum.:slight_smile:

Welcome mate.

The good thing about departure lounges is that you rarely leave on time. :slight_smile:

Hi Frisbee
Welcome :039:

Hello and welcome from me too. :smiley: