Just joined

Hello from South Wales. The sun has got it’s hat on again :smiley:

Hello Debbie :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you.

And hello from me. Do be careful with your choice of music though

Hello and welcome…

Hello Debbie - welcome :slight_smile:

…and a welcome from me Debbie.

Hi Debbie. Welcome. …H

Hi Debbie, Welcome to our forum, we are all very friendly on here, looking forward to a chat with you.

Hello Debbie :slight_smile: a warm welcome to the forum…

Hello and welcome from me too. :smiley:

Warm welcome, I’m new too :039:

Will add my voice to the growing chorus of welcome. :slight_smile:

Hi Debbie and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Nice to meet you Debbie, and a very warm welcome to the forum.:slight_smile:

Also a big welcome from me Music Lover

Hello Debbie and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Hello and Welcome fellow Newbie . Regards Tyrell